• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

disapointing grow log

well for my first year of growing peppers its not starting off too good.My white habs turned out to be a c. annum possibly wrinkled old man. my black pearls turned out to be black cubans and the rest of my plants are producing blooms but no peppers. So far the only thing eating anything off my plants are the caterpillars.
Hey TC, don't fret man. Did you get your seeds from members or seed companies? I have my Chocolate Bhuts that turned out to be what looks like either an Aji of some variety or maybe hot lemon...and my garden is growing as slow as an old man.

You are probably having high heat there in Texas ATM right? Plants have a hard time setting fruit in whether constantly above 90 degrees. Maybe try some shade cloth. or if they are in containers, move them out of the sun during the day.

Also you can try giving them some micro nutes along with a bloom fertilizer and back off on the nitrogen if you are giving them any type of grow fertilizer. High nitrogen will drop flowers as well. My BrainStrains are my biggest plants and have like 30 flowers a piece but they don't ever set into buds. I'm going to try and give them some bloom fertz as well.

Stay positive, they will give you love at the end of the season if you keep giving them love now. Don't give up the good fight bro!
Gotta keep your chin up now, they used to say in the Marines. The heat can be quite discouraging. Just got to keep em going until late Sept. Everything 3/5 said is good, get some shade if possible. Get better seeds for next season and plan on overwintering some to get more production earlier next season. October is usually the best month here.

Good luck
Yea. Keep your head in the game! My first season sucked pretty bad, but it made it a whole lot easier for the next year. Once you have been doing this for a while, then issues like this can affect you, but then you can still turn it into a learning experience.

Just be patient, ask questions, and take copious amounts of notes!

Good luck.