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Disc-It Grill - breaking one in & cooking on it.

I was fortunate enough to win a custom Disc-It grill for the Dia del Perro sauce Label Art / Grand Prize Marketing & Advertising Division. 
Picked it up in ABQ a couple weeks back, but hadn't had time to break it in & cook on it.  That changed today. 
Breaking it in was a 3-beer experience. Fired it up, salted it (to help diffuse heat & keep smoke low) and added a couple Tbsp of lard. With tongs & a rag, I worked in the oil for a few mins until the pan started to darken. After a few mins, I moved the top over so the flame was hitting another part of the pan. Lather, rinse, repeat - salt, lard, heat, rag - 2 beers, salt, lard, rag, fire,  3 beers, salt, lard, rag, heat and voila. The surface was darkened and ready to cook. 
PSA: Do not wear sandals. I did, and when I got a little overzealous with the towel I knocked a molten salty drop of lard onto my big toe, right below the nail - instant sizzle/blister. Avoid if possible (or at least not dumb like me) 
Once the grill was seasoned I had to cook on it - so I marinated some pork in a pastor marinade (found one online).  After wiping the lard/salt clear oiled the surface with olive oil & dropped in the pastor to a pleasing sizzle.  
What I love about this surface is that it's got the cooking evenness & characteristics of a flat-top, but with hot and cool spots so you can use different temperatures to different effects. So I could sautée the peppers in the middle while browning the pastor at a lower temperature and warming the tortillas on the sides. 

Once the peppers were to my liking, I folded them into the pastor & continued to cook, periodically rotating & flipping the tortillas while scrambling up the pastor. 

The end product: spectacular tacos al pastor with Brown Label, Volcanic Peppers "Lava" hot taco sauce (terrific - get you some!) and Dia del Perro. 

Glad I took a half day off today. I highly recommend the Disc-It Grill - really fun to cook on, and I am excited for the possibilities this thing offers. It's shallower than I thought, which makes it a taco machine. Also highly recommend Volcanic Lava taco sauce. :cheers:
Sizzle Lips said:
 Discada;s are great to cook on ....I have two....21" and a 28" I bought the plow disc's new and filled in the center holes and welded on some handles.....love em...I really like them for seafood tacos.....nice job LD.
This is my 1st - it's 36" I think. Easily the size of my webber. I am so happy with this thing - I'll wear it out this summer for sure! Gonna do tacos again tomorrow night! 
Holy cr@p ....36" Discada....that thing is huge ....my 28 weighs in at almost 47 lbs...I can't imagine what that 36 is....man you got some serious cooking space on that disc.
I thought 36 might have been a little bit big...lol....its all good....its nice to be able to slide the cooked stuff off to the side and keep torts warm......something you cannot do on a regular wok.
Sizzle Lips said:
I thought 36 might have been a little bit big...lol....its all good....its nice to be able to slide the cooked stuff off to the side and keep torts warm......something you cannot do on a regular wok.
Yeah - the top weighs like 40 lbs. it'd be nuts at 36"!

And yes - that's why I love it so much - so many areas - I love interactive cooking.

I'm not sure I'd call it a "grill", but I'm sure glad I've got one!
I cook on a Disco 90% of the time. I have a few of them. We usually find them for free off used plow equipment and fill the hole, as Sizzle said. We used one at work all the time. One of the guys took a plasma and cut his down in size, he bent a weed burner at a 90 degree angle and welded legs on it for the burner. It was great for a 3 man crew.

Anyways congrats on the win.

Tacos look damn good.

Ask and ye shall receive, Scovie! 
Burner means business: 

Very important to stay hydrated: 

Melting lard, still on my 1st beer...

Beer #2 working: 

Now we're cooking with gas! 

(You just like it because it says "Scovie" on it. 
Boss is gonna crap when he realizes I made pastor but didn't saute it with pineapple chunks, which would have been epic had I thought of it. :doh: 
I have the same exact burner. I modified it for a high pressure regulator. A bought my friend one and it had two brass valves. You could use inside or outside ring on the burner. It was really cool because you could fine tune. All I could find when I bought mine was the electronic valve like yours. Still works awesome, even in the wind.

That stand kicks ass.
OCD Chilehead said:
I cook on a Disco 90% of the time. I have a few of them. We usually find them for free off used plow equipment and fill the hole, as Sizzle said. We used one at work all the time. One of the guys took a plasma and cut his down in size, he bent a weed burner at a 90 degree angle and welded legs on it for the burner. It was great for a 3 man crew.

Anyways congrats on the win.

Tacos look damn good.

Didn't realize so many folks had these discos!

We should have a disco TD!

Get on that, boss!
I just use a bass pro fish cooker burner....its a little light weight but  the burner puts out way more heat than is needed once its warmed up..... but I am going to work on a better stand this summer ....I am 6' 2" and weigh 295 lbs ...i dont like to bend down when cooking on it. ;) :)