Diseased Jolokia

Can anyone ID what the problem is on this Jolokia plant? The super hots that surround this plant look great. Thanks!

Excuse my stupidity, what is BLS?
Feeding schedule is every couple weeks with MGrow for tomatoes and alternate weeks with Epsom salts (1T per gal H2O) and Spray n Gro  once in a while.
I was thinking maybe a calcium deficiency along with something else. Just a little strange because all the plants around are good.
I also just worked 1T bonemeal and watered in a couple days ago.
BLS is bacteria leaf spot. I would stop spraying it with the epsom for a while, it looks like the leaves aren't liking it. When you feed give it a little Cal-Mag instead. Be careful of fert burn, you don't want to over feed it.
BLS= Bacterial Leaf Spot
I agree with megahot I wouldn't spray anymore until you figure out what's wrong.Could be calcium with the bubbly looking leaves being MG doesn't have any calcium or magnesium in it.
Thanks everyone. I'll look into getting some cal mag.
Just a couple of days ago, I added 1T of bone meal and worked that into the soil and watered in. Do you think I should hold off a couple weeks before applying the CalMag?

Hey Pepper Daddler
I just saw Cal-Mag online from Greenhouse Megastore or 14.00 QT plus shipping. Shipping was additional 7.00 for my area.

Interesting read on Cal/Mag Check it out!
samething happened to one of my chinese 5 color x numex twilight, I took all the bad leaves out and spray it with small amount of Listerine to kill the bacteria. try it
To the original poster, that does not look like traditional bacterial leaf spot, and with the leaves being wet all the time i'll bet it's something fungal.
With fungal issues, copper is of limited use, a sulphur-based spray would work better. Some products combine copper and sulphur together, you would look for "copper-sulfate" on the ingredients label. Other products, like Serenade, would work on bacterial and fungal issues as well.
In the meantime, i would cut off the affected leaves, just don't defoliate the whole plant. If they are in containers then space them out. And no more wetting leaves unless you are spraying a fungicide, that's how the problem starts, bottom water only, pepper and tomato plants like their leaves to stay dry.
Also: let the plant get it's nutrition the way mother nature intended, via the roots in a good balanced soil, there's no need to "feed the leaves" all the time. Sometimes is ok, and more experienced growers eventually get a knack for when it is needed.
Hey Jetchuka if you had to choose between copper-sulfate and serenade which would you think would help the plant recover quicker ?

Found this on eBay , is this what I'm looking for ?

Tried spraying my jays peach with hydrogen.peroxide/water and it did nothing to get rid of this . Not sure if I made it strong enough ( used 3 teaspoons in a half liter bottle ) .

Here's a pic of what's left of my jays peach :(

I had new growth come in and it's no better than it was before
Since i always spray with at least two different sprays per season, that would be a tough choice. I know that Serenade works, and i know that copper-sulfate works, to my own eyes, they are rough equals.
I know you could spray to your hearts content with Serenade, you won't toxify anything even if you sprayed twice a week for years straight. Whereas mistakes can be made with copper-sulfate, and after years of heavy use, there's a chance of toxifying your soil and caution is needed when using it (gloves, long pants, safety glasses are ideal, non-windy conditions).
I'd say buy one product for now, but eventually start alternating with another product, even if it's next season.
That Ebay product you linked looks like a high strength product. Be careful to follow the dosages, the lime-Bordeaux mixture they listed isn't necessary, just use the product by itself.   Thank you for the link, i'm going to replenish my stock for dirt cheap :)
Thank you I think Ill try the serenade first , hopefully I can salvage the jays peach and get at least a couple of pods off of it this season
(crossing my fingers) .