• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Djinn bonsai pepper glog

I am going to this year bonsai 7 or so pepper plants. I had a bonsai tree for 10 years after I got out of the corps, do to many life events I lost my tree. I am now going to combine my two favorite things peppers and small trees. Never tried to grow a bonsai pepper but sure the same principles apply. I will be getting some pics up soon as I get them into there first pot. And will post as they get more mature through this season.

When I get a stable plant that is healthy I will be giving one away towards the end of this season.

Here are the first 4


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I have a naga morich, red scorpion, wild brazil and a coral reef.
The last 3 I lost my plant markers for them so until I get peppers they will be mystery peppers
djinn said:
I have a naga morich, red scorpion, wild brazil and a coral reef.
The last 3 I lost my plant markers for them so until I get peppers they will be mystery peppers
coral reef as in the stuff growing in the ocean?
cant wait to see the naga,scorpion and brazil when they get going. this is a very cool project and cant wait to see how it turns out for you
chile_freak said:
that's a really cool article!Very nice bonchi starts!
Thanks would have liked to start with winters but only one made it through so this years babies will have to do takes a little longer to grow but that is the point of bonsai!
I have another plant growing roots and going to be the next addition to the bonsai group of plants. This plant is currently in a 5 gallon bucket getting free rain... But it is a cheiro roxa that at the end of the season and a little trimming will be a great prize of a plant. I am looking for a huge root system for this plant have a few ideas for it.


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