Do these look ok to you all ?

Hey guys it's me again still working with the plants I grew as experiments before my big grow. I recently transplanted them all from 4 inch pots into 1 gallon pots. I think most of em could have stayed a little longer. I used Black Gold with some bone meal and natural all purpose Mr Earths dry fert mixed into the pots. I watered with a B12 root stimulator and diluted Fish fert 5-1-1 and got em pretty wet. They haven't looked the greatest since then especially the jalapeños, they are really pouting. The leaves are all puckered and if you look very close there seems to be some yellowing between the veins on newer growth and some are lime green but if they are a little further away they kind of look ok except the jalapeños they almost look over fertlized ( did I do it again dangit ). I am new to growing hot peppers from seed and I need some expert eyes so I have included some pics.Please chime in.The first one is Butch T see how she's puckered and the new growth is lime green almost yellow looking ?


The next 2 are Infinitys again they are puckered and only if you look close the puckers seem to have a little yellowing in them, not sure if you can see in the pics. From a distance they look fine.



Next are the Habaneros and they are puckered but not as bad although the second one's leaves feel brittle kind of not soft like the other and it's leaves want to roll upwards mildly and it's leaves are smaller especially the newer ones.



And now the Jalapeños see how puckered the leaves are? Some leaves are curled up and the have a yellow sickly look to them nothing like the looked in the smaller pots especially the second and third one which is a 3 in 1 experiment.




And these last 2 are 1 Cayenne and 1 mutt a plant that was sold as a Bhut but looked more like a (idk) Peter maybe. I grew them from my seeds because they were OP and crowded with many other varities last year and I wanted to see if they grew true. I burned both earlier by over fertlizing them but they have come back and even have flowers on them.

Casper the friendly Ghost ; )


And Cayenne


Please jump in and share your experience I'm trying to work out the bugs before I start in a few weeks as well as get down a general routine. Maybe they are fine and I just need to be patience. Especially focus on the Jalapeños they got me perplexed.
Thanks again everyone you have all been much help!
You might try a little epsom salts. For future reference bone meal isn't the best source of calcium and if used It should be worked into the soil prior to planting.
You might try a little epsom salts. For future reference bone meal isn't the best source of calcium and if used It should be worked into the soil prior to planting.

Hey Patrick I did work the bone meal into the soil and have stayed with Epson Salts how do they look to you ? Do they look abnormal ?
I found out what that is, it is a Ca deficiency. And because Ca is immoble those leaves will not change after the aplication of Ca/Mg but dont worry the new leaves will be good. I could be wrong but it looks like that.

Plaster of paris (gypsum) is Ca and S, I use this at 1/4 tsp a gal with miracle gro tomato fertilizer, that way I have everything.