Hi John...nice to meet up with you & I do share your passion when it comes to Wilds...it's my favorite specimen of all.

I 'm not into hybrids/crosses ...there's a crowded field for that.
Re: Tovarii...yes that is a real hard nut to crack IMO & it took forever and a day,it does test one's patience/
Fast forward ...of the seeds I planted 2 came up...49 to 72 days to germinate ....used seed starting mix from Jiffy.(brand)
Once germinated they grew well & I kept one (should have kept both duh)
Regarding why your seedlings are not thriving ..so many factors could contribute on that front...seeds..age of?/
but they did germinate?? Soil/humidity/length of time under lights/watering & so on ....
Are you growing under lights...is there enough of & what about humidity....I use regular potting soil,with a good amt of perlite
so the roots can permeate the soil easily..and for food I don't do anything special..sometimes I use food with higher phosphorous.
So hard to tell...as no 2 person's condition are alike...if you have warm temps & have more than 1 seedling I would consider putting
one outside & see...try different angles...one may stick..& report back.
...hard to Dx...but don't give up...
...the weather has not been kind where
I live last Spring/Summer so my plant did not produce peppers.I have some seeds for '20 that could be shared..
That being said,there are folks here that may have fresher seeds from this yr to share with you/trade whatever.
If that fails...I would be more than happy to share with you...Also seeds from hard to grow wilds loose their
germination potential quicker that other specimens IMO...after 2 yrs it diminishes quickly..other may say otherwise.
I do have to say I am way behind my seed mailing thingies...read as playing too much music

& not doing much of anything
else but the basics.
My absolute favorite Wild is C.GALAPAGOENSE....just lovely ...I have seeds of that & others I can share...do you have that one?
I just need time to get my act together but I'll send you seeds ..be patient thou'
BTW...what zone are you in?
