Depends on the market, really. I think total pepper sales last year was somewhere around $2500-3000, which if you consider I had 3200 pepper plants, a great deal of production hit the compost pile.
If you factor in lights, seeds, potting soil, and LP gas I lost money on peppers before they ever hit the dirt. Not even factoring in any labor.
I was mainly wanting to grow peppers at the farm, but building a market will take a lot more time than I thought it would.
We sold a lot more of other types of produce than I thought we would. I sowed some watermelon, sweet corn, cantaloupe, beans, tomatoes etc last year mainly as space fillers, and to get a crop rotation strategy started, and "other" produce (not peppers) sold much better than peppers did. I sold somewhere around 6,500-7,000 lbs of watermelons at markets and to grocers. We lost the cantaloupe crop to striped cucumber beetles, the cucumbers were also badly affected, beans were a money loser on harvest (cost more to pick than we got selling them), tomatoes all split before ripening because the rain just wouldn't let up all summer.
It was tough pill to swallow investing some 300k in to a farm, labor, materials, irrigation well, etc.. to bring in a total of $5500 income.
This year might be better, we have a lot of infrastructure in place now and it's just going to be me and the wife working the land, so not as much labor expense.
But yeah, easiest way to make a small fortune farming is to start with a large fortune...