Does growing conditions have effect on podshape?

Hi everyone...
Hope your plants are doing great... This is my first year growing superhots and partly the reason was that I think that they look cool with bumpy surface and stingers...
I do have some wrinkled pods and a few with stingers, but none with the bumpy surface... Maybe these will show later on the season... All my plants are maturing their first set of pods now... I was expecting the bumpy surface on my bhut, primo and my carolina reaper...
Does growing conditions have any effect on the podshape?
Take care and thanks for reading... ;-)
In my opinion, yes. Through the winter, the pods I get in my greenhouse are smooth. When Spring hits, the pod shapes definitely change and start showing different textures.
Okay - then ill just have to wait to see what mother nature does during the season... Full sun is preferable from shade I can figure out from this?

What about watering and fertilizing?

Thanks for your time...
I think so. Durring the heat of the summer my bhut pods are really ngarly looking. But when I overwintered the plant last fall, It produced a couple pods that were perfectly round about the size of a half-dollar.