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extreme-heat Does this infused oil have capsaicin extract?

A friend of mine brought me this from Portugal:
Piri-piri com Azeite Extra-Forte -  infused oil.
It was much hotter than I imagined it would be.  I tasted what appeared to be the distinct flavor of capsaicin extract and it is going through me like hot sauce with capsaicin extract.  The ingredients state 9.2% Piri-Piri extract.  Can I assume this is capsaicin extract?

Some 12 yrs or so ago, a Brazilian bud of mine, brought me back several boxes of sauces from home. (He moved on many years ago so I can't query him.)  Long since used up and gone, I did save a few for my collection. Wouldn't dare eat it now, but from the pics could you tell me what you can about this bottle? I recall it being quite good and a bit harsh with the heat. Thanks for your time  :cheers: 


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It's Malaguetta chillies pickled in a salted vinegar, according to that ingredients list, and they've clearly had most of their colour leeched out by the liquid.
They're common peppers in brazil and I remember them having a rather unique taste but I don't recall much beyond that. I've not had them in a few years at least, since they're not nearly as frequently used over here, but I think they were a fairly medium heat. Definitely well below Habanero.
Yeah, the bottle doesn't really have much description as to the contents aside from the ingredients list. It does say that it was manufactured in April of 2001, and is good through April of 2004. I would definitely not attempt to eat that, considering it is over 14 years expired.