Does this look like a deficiency of some sort?

Second year Habenero, yellow spots:

3 month old Banana or Corno di Toro, yellowing edges:


Maybe my soil is not ideal.  I'm trying 1/3 MG, 1/3 composted garden soil, 1/3 pearlite.  Last year I used 100% MG and had several plants get burned leave tips; others had some powdery mildew but that was probably due to over watering before I knew better.
Welcome to THP. Damn Juanitos, :)  I was just typing that.
Over watering for one and maybe something else. the yellow spots are strange.

What are you feeding it? besides MG.
CAPCOM said:
Welcome to THP. Damn Juanitos, I was just typing that.
Over watering for one and maybe something else. the yellow spots are strange.

What are you feeding it? besides MG.
I haven't really been feeding them anything thinking that I already had too much fertilizer from the 1/3 Miracle Grow soil.  I gave them a good dose of epsom salt when I watered them a couple weeks ago.  The plants seem a little fuller, but the spots didn't really change.
:welcome:  from sunny South Florida!  :woohoo:
Looks like edema from overwatering to me
Yep, overwatering it is. The secondary results are probably cause by it, overwatering can cause nute lock outs.
Am I right in assuming this is powdery mildew?  Has anybody tried the diluted milk method of prevention?
Back in January I sprayed this topped habanero with backing soda and water in an attempt to get rid of the mildew.  My baking soda concentration must have been too high because it killed most of the leaves.  I ended up removing most of the leaves.  It is starting to bounce back but the white powder under the leaves came with it.

This habanero doesn't seem to get it as bad.  The leaves seem to form differently.  Maybe its the difference between orange and red habaneros.  I have both, but I lost track when I topped them a while back.

Here's a better picture.  I haven't seen any bugs on or near the plants, so that makes me think its not aphids, unless they are so small that I cant see them....

Full resolution:
Edit:  I think spicytrigger is correct.  I google image searched pepper edema and the results look just like this.  Crystal like looking formations under the leaf. 
Yes, definetely overwatering edema.. Don't worry, just water less and if possible increase pot size (makes proper watering a lot easier).