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pests DONT Bug Me

Dont Bug Me .... I have got a bug ....
if one bug is your enemy other bug is your friend .
most of us have had hard time with the Aphids the most harmful bugs for our beloved chili plants well i have been trying every thing you can think of to control this problem . the only working way after more than 5 years of growing is to kill the bug with an other bug thanx for the lady bug our (growers) best friend if our plant is the Aphids food guess what ? Aphids is the lady bugs food is not that just amazing...?
i was so happy waching the lady bug figthing ove the aphids to eat em

i wont be able to have that feeling if we dont have companies that sell them i really appreciate the company service it only took two days to arrive
here is the website http://www.gardeningzone.com/
all that great deal for $25 i think my plants worth way more than that


Here's a couple of pics of ladybug larva eating aphids on a few of my plants last year. They absolutely devour aphids.



Almost impossible to control once they are inside the house. Outside not so bad. last year i saw some that were almost as big as ladybugs. Bastards!!
Pepperlover, Those ladybugs look like they having a blast. A couple of them look like they're having too much fun!
when their food supply is gone, they will move on to greener pastures (pun intended)
Ladybugs are the shiznit! I love the way the larvae look too. Hate to be an aphid and see one of those monsters coming at me.
I wish I had some ladybugs right about now. The aphids are driving me crazy. I just can't seem to get rid of the damn things and they've spread from my overwintered plants to my seedlings.
I have over 150 seedlings growing inside by large windows; aphids were getting out of control and hurting the plants. I began using soapy water with Mandarin Orange Liquid Dish Soap from Trader Joe's. It kills ever bug it touches, and the plants get perky each time I use it.

Ingredients: Coconut Derived/Based Surfactants, Earth Salt, Mandarin Oil.
I was attempting to control them with weekly sprays from the kitchen sink sprayer (I used enough pressure to knock leafs off :() and they came back. I tried weekly sprayings of Safers Soap. They came back. I tried spraying them with a liquid dish soap and water mixture and they came back. Today I mixed up some Sevin and took them all outside to give them all a good dousing. It'll be a little tougher for them to come back from that.
Pepperlover, Those ladybugs look like they having a blast. A couple of them look like they're having too much fun![/QUOTE]

i was having fun waching the dam Aphids going to hell lolol
Blister said:
I wish I had some ladybugs right about now. The aphids are driving me crazy. I just can't seem to get rid of the damn things and they've spread from my overwintered plants to my seedlings.

all what it takes $ 25 for 300 bugs it worth buying it
SanSoo said:
I have over 150 seedlings growing inside by large windows; aphids were getting out of control and hurting the plants. I began using soapy water with Mandarin Orange Liquid Dish Soap from Trader Joe's. It kills ever bug it touches, and the plants get perky each time I use it.

Ingredients: Coconut Derived/Based Surfactants, Earth Salt, Mandarin Oil.

same thing happend to me never use soap on seedling it will burn them the best way is kill the bug with an other bug
Blister said:
I was attempting to control them with weekly sprays from the kitchen sink sprayer (I used enough pressure to knock leafs off :() and they came back. I tried weekly sprayings of Safers Soap. They came back. I tried spraying them with a liquid dish soap and water mixture and they came back. Today I mixed up some Sevin and took them all outside to give them all a good dousing. It'll be a little tougher for them to come back from that.
Seven dust dont work either
PepperLover said:
Pepperlover, Those ladybugs look like they having a blast. A couple of them look like they're having too much fun!

i was having fun waching the dam Aphids going to hell lolol[/QUOTE]
I Hear ya. Couple years ago brought one of my chiles from the outside into the house. Could not get rid of the %&*$#@ aphids. Didn't have a few hundred ladybugs to do the deal. Had to throw out every plant that were infected. Anyways thanks for the post. Could have used those guys back then.
As Snoop? I mean Patrick said. They are the Shiznit!!
