Dorset Naga - flower drop

Hi guys, after reviewing a bunch of posts on the subject over the last few weeks  I'm running out of ideas and hoping someone can see something that i'm doing or not doing here.
My Dorset Naga plant is about 4 months old, it's currently in a 70L bin - the soil is about 1/5th sand, some compost and regular potting mix. The temperatures in the last few weeks were about 8-12C at night to about 30-35C at daytime (I have conflicting information but it seems that this might be too high).
I water it every few days as required, every 7-10 days I feed it some 4-8-7 (
I have also recently pruned the side branches which were overhanging a lot but am letting it grow upwards. It's got a lot more new buds growing. It's about 3.5 feet tall from the edge of the pot to it's highest point.
There is a fan in the greenhouse which is moving the air around and I leave both the window and the main door open during the day which provides plenty of breeze, and allows bees get in there.
The flowers are dropping dailiy, a lot of them have been pollinated and I can see very small fruit set but they all fall right off. There mustve been at least 100 flowers that have dropped but there are still 200-300 more and still growing.
The only thing I can think of is to move it outside as the air temp outside never goes above low 20s at the moment, even middle of summer we won't get anywhere near 30C. Unless there are any other ideas? Any help is appreciated, thanks.
I could be wrong but your lows are 8-12C, that converts to 46-53F. A little chilly I think for the plant. The highs convert to 86-95F which is a bit warm for good flower set too. The plant looks healthy so I would think you might need to stabilize the temperature swing a bit if possible.
Where I live it is to hot almost all summer till temps got around 80F I lost a lot of pods as well as with to cold of temps. soon as the temps where Right they set like crazy to bad it was so late in the year. LOL 
Mine is doing the same thing(Both plants were started by me about 5 months ago)
My other Dorset Nagas are fruiting like crazy.I think the fact that these two were kept in 2 ltr pots and flowered so early may be the issue plus its still quite cold at night.
I think I have maybe 3 fruit on this one.I think when the nights start to get warmer more fruit will start to set.
This is my one in 20ltrs
Awesome thanks guys. Will leave it in the greenhouse as it for another few weeks and will see what happens. Once the temperatures at night go above 15C (60F) then I'll move it outside as I think the greenhouse will get even hotter. At this rate I might need to move all my plants outside for summer and bring them back in once it starts cooling down.

Hey thanks Darin yeah man maybe night temps are too low still then, although last night was 14 so was much warmer. Cant wait for them to start podding.
Plant looks good in general. Im also in Auckland, and my plants live outside during the day now and (the large ones) have heaps of fruit on them. Im still bringing any that are fruiting inside overnight though because I want full sized pods. Iv got my first jonah pod of the year showing colour 
So I think the daytime temps outside are good. Maybe put them outside in the wind where there is more air flow & not as warm? Have you tried foliar spraying the buds/nodes with the bloom ferts?
SentencedToBurn said:
Awesome thanks guys. Will leave it in the greenhouse as it for another few weeks and will see what happens. Once the temperatures at night go above 15C (60F) then I'll move it outside as I think the greenhouse will get even hotter. At this rate I might need to move all my plants outside for summer and bring them back in once it starts cooling down.

Hey thanks Darin yeah man maybe night temps are too low still then, although last night was 14 so was much warmer. Cant wait for them to start podding.
Yeah.I have a feeling its the extreme temps swings and the fact it has so many flowers this early in the season.It got down to a low of 6c and high of 32c in the tunnel the other day.Thats not good for fruit setting I think.
Just let it do its thing.its going to be massive so you will have plenty more flowers  :)
Dude we have 5-6 more months of growing to go.where am i gunna find the room lol
nzchili said:
Plant looks good in general. Im also in Auckland, and my plants live outside during the day now and (the large ones) have heaps of fruit on them. Im still bringing any that are fruiting inside overnight though because I want full sized pods. Iv got my first jonah pod of the year showing colour 
So I think the daytime temps outside are good. Maybe put them outside in the wind where there is more air flow & not as warm? Have you tried foliar spraying the buds/nodes with the bloom ferts?
Hey do you mean actually spraying buds and flowers with the bloom fertiliser? Nope never heard of that before, you mean to add to feeding the plant with it every week or so I can spray it on too?
SentencedToBurn said:
Hey do you mean actually spraying buds and flowers with the bloom fertiliser? Nope never heard of that before, you mean to add to feeding the plant with it every week or so I can spray it on too?
I think he means spraying the leaves.:edit:nevermind he did say buds.
Do you have any fruit at all on your plant?Even one?
I just took a close look and I actually have about five set now.I missed them somehow
Swampy_NZ said:
I think he means spraying the leaves.:edit:nevermind he did say buds.
Do you have any fruit at all on your plant?Even one?
I just took a close look and I actually have about five set now.I missed them somehow
Nah dude not a single one which is why i'm a bit concerned but yeah hopefully its the night temps, I reckon I'll drag it outside next week
SentencedToBurn said:
Nah dude not a single one which is why i'm a bit concerned but yeah hopefully its the night temps, I reckon I'll drag it outside next week
yeah.I also have my small fan heater in mine that keeps the night temps a bit warmer which helps.
Just counted the set fruit on my largest Naga.Just over 100 so far.
SentencedToBurn said:
Hey do you mean actually spraying buds and flowers with the bloom fertiliser? Nope never heard of that before, you mean to add to feeding the plant with it every week or so I can spray it on too?
Yea well I mean foliar spray the whole plant, but i pay special attention to the new growth & nodes where small buds are forming etc. I pay attention to cover them good. I dont mean open flowers.
Not sure if your fert is suitable for foliar spray or not, but i use "wuxal top k" aka "mc gregors fruit max", which is a 5/8/12 fert. 
I water it in once a week, and foliar spray onto the new forming buds every couple of weeks.
edit; sadly I killed this plant, but this was from over a month ago, it was a jonah, and this plant was about a foot tall..stocky wee thing..set load of it not too cold
Swampy_NZ said:
How did you kill the plant?
I had left some plant saucers/dishes (whatever those things are called that you put plants pots on to catch the runoff) outside overnight. It rained that night, so the next morning when I put the plants out - I watered that one with the water that had collected in the dish...
I got home from work that afternoon and the plant was like this....i moved it inside to try save it.

My guess is the saucer had lots of salts etc built up in it from having plants sit on it and be fertilized....not doing that again was my best most productive plant :(
I had the same problem this year with an overwintered Dorset Naga, I think it had various problems though. It eas quite root bound by the end of summer, that mixed with it starting to flower really early meant it dropped a hell of a lot.
Wait it out and hopefully it'll come around