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Dorset Naga refuses to ripen...so I went in


I bit into an obviously immature and green pod on one of my naga plants.

I was curious because it has almost 40 pods on a rather small plant. They are all no more than 2 inches and have been that way for a month. They refuse to ripen at all.

Holy crap. I wonder if they will actually get hotter!

Come fall, I have no doubt that this plant will be a source of near nuclear capabilities.
cheezydemon said:

Holy crap. I wonder if they will actually get hotter!

yup, yup, same experience I had last week...couldn't stand it so I picked a green one and taste it....Can I quote you cheezy?...HOLY CRAP.... yup, yup
Those were from AJ (with the disclaimer that they were from ebay. No worries AJ I appreciate them whatever they are!)

Your's are just now starting to form Potowie.

Are nagas longer than that?

Sorry IGG No one to hold the camera! lol.
you have a lot more fruit on yours than I do mine Cheezy...well done...
Thanks AJ. Maybe so and maybe not. I didn't pick any flowers or early fruits, so it may stay stunted and unripe long after yours is cranking them out. We will see!
I am just trying to be patient for another month until this weather cools down in September...I keep on telling myself, If I can just keep the plants alive until September, I should have a great fall harvest...only one that is really really thriving is the O Hab....everything else is growing but no fruit set...heck...it is 106F (~41C) right now
Is that one I sent you?? lol.

My great surprise has been "Pimento de Cherry" (WTF??) that turned out to be a golden bullet hab. Delicious!

I have had 12 or so ripe already. It is up to about 1 a day now that are ripe.