• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

DP's 2015 grow

This year I started 50 seeds. 5 each of Primo, Brainstrain, Moruga Scorpion, Butch T Scorpion, Reaper, Bhut, Pimenta de Neyde, Yellow Manzano, Red Manzano, and an unknown black pearl hybrid that I liked the flavor of. There were much less than 50 plants though, the greenhouse where I work has a lot of sub-par temp workers come through and steal a lot of plants. We have plenty of "bad" material we can not sell but is still healthy and you are allowed to take, but they took my custom seeds. Oh well. I ended up with 3 Primo, 4 brain strain, 4 moruga, 2 butch t, 3 reaper, 1 bhut, 2 pimenta, 1 yellow manzano, 0 red manzano, and all 5 of my black pearl hybrids

I got most of the plants in the ground a couple weeks ago and have grabbed a few other peppers from work

Brain strain Plant 1  

Brain strain plant 2

Brain strain plant 3

Brain strain plant 4

Primo plant 1

Primo plant 2

Primo plant 3
When I try to add more pictures it says there are too many. When I try to add them as a reply it wants to merge the two posts and says there are too many pictures still. If someone could help me I will post more
Moruga Scorpion 1   

Moruga Scorpion 2   

Moruga Scorpion 3   

Moruga Scorpion 4   

Butch T 1   
Butch T 2   

Pimenta de Neyde 1   

Pimenta de Neyde 2   

I'm still not sure how to just add a new post with more pictures once it reaches the limit. Can someone explain?

There's a limit to the number of pics you can load in one post. (ten, I think) Just ask for a bump whenever you need to post more.

     Your plants look awesome, by the way!
Ohhh. Ok that makes sense. Thanks!
Reaper 1   
Reaper 2   
Reaper 3   
Jimmy Nardello  
Yellow Manzano  
Black Pearl cross 1  
Black pearl cross 2  
Black pearl cross 3  
Black pearl cross 4  
Black pearl cross 5  
Purple Cayenne  

This one is one of the few plants I over wintered. I received some lemon drop x tepin seeds from smileyguy697 and out of the three F2s that I tried to keep only one survived

The rest of the plants are random things I took from work. Gong Bao cayenne, red thai, yellow thai, super chili, cherry pepper, a Mucho Nacho jalapeno. Plus two habaneros and a jalapeno that I got in the ground much later than the other plants. A few other over winters and some ornamental peppers that I got started late as well. I will post pictures tomorrow