chinense Dragon49 reviews the Yellow Ghost Pepper

I'm not too proud of this video.  I wimped out and shut the camera off when the pain was the worst.  I should have drank the milk and had the soft cheese while I was still seated and kept the video running. 
I'll try to be more "real" for my next review:
No knock at all on the ghostpepperstore folks  -They were great and threw in a lot of extras - I just didn't like the pepper - was all heat and not much flavor - For hot yellow peppers - Fatallis and Yellow 7s are better.
I`m surprised you didn`t like this pepper much. The ones I`ve had tasted really great. Nice job posting this, whatever you thought of the video. it`s so much harder to post this kind of thing and you are a Champ for doing it. Much respect.

Yellow Bhuts are certainly hotter than Fataliis, but I`d say not quite as hot as a yellow 7-pot. I think around 600,000 is a very good guess. 
when they eat it and sit there and tell you all about it with no sweat or pain  thats no fun!  these videos are better 

Thanks for all of the praise.
When I started hurting a lot, I took the milk over the kitchen sink, opened it, and took small mouthfulls, holding it in my mouth.  I'm probably going to make another review tomorrow night.  I'll have the milk and cheese already opened in preparation.  I'll try and stay in one place to get everything on the video.  When I am in pain, I tend to walk around.  That is why I stopped the first part when I did.  In the video, I mentioned that I didn't last a minute, before reaching for relief.  Actually, I lasted 1:52, before reaching for the milk.
Reviewing is a tough job. There is reason I leave it to the professionals. There are plenty of varieties that I grow that I don't care to eat. I think the yellow bhuts are great but I would take a yellow fatalii over them any day. Good job Dragon. Thanks for the review!
Way to get up there and do it man!  As Brian said, reviewing is a tough job.  It's one thing to eat a pod knowing that nobody else is going to see what happens, but to post a video for the whole world to see, it's a daunting task.  So good on you for doing what the vast majority of the population would be too scared to do.  And I say, don't stop with the reviews.  Keep doing them.  Once you get a few under your belt, the panic reaction will go away and you'll be able to ride out the pain just fine.  My hat's off to you sir!
Edit and I concur with your liking the Yellow 7s better.  For me, the yellow 7s have the best flavor, hands down.
I love the Bhut Jolokia Yellow, the wife and I sliced a whole one yesterday and ate it with tacos for lunch. There are hot and it was easy to tell when we crunched into a piece. Yellows are our favorites but flavor and preference is subjective. Great job on the review and I too leave it to the professionals. :) 