water Drip irrigation time amount...


eXtreme Business
I'm in the middle of installing my drip irrigation system, and have about half my plants done (I was supposed to start earlier and get it all finished but I woke up VERY late today), and was wondering...
I'm using 1GPH drippers and was wondering how long and how frequently would be sufficient to water the plants. They're largely in 5-trade gallon pots, and I have them in direct sun in the patio. I'm thinking 1-2 hours at most, at least every other day, and every day with the summer months being what they are (frequently getting to over 90 degrees with high humidity, in black pots & dark soil, I'd imagine the pots themselves would be ~100+ degrees to the touch).
I'll be getting myself an in-line timer, as well as an in-line fertilizer reservoir in the next couple of weeks, so I'll be good there, seeing as I literally just watered & fertilized them yesterday, both with slow release vegetable ferts and 1 cup of liquid worm castings each.
I am planning on running drip irrigation as well. I talked to people that use 1gph. Last year it was in the upper 80s and 90s and dry for most the summer and the pots got really hot. I was thinking of 1/2gph for twice the amount of time during the hottest part of the day might work. As far as the initial amount time. I guess it would have to be tuned to how vigorous the plants are. Good luck. I would like to know what you find out.
Right now, it's gettng to the 80's and rather humid (I know, I know, but it's south Florida, what do you expect?), but I imagine during the summer, I'd have to run the system daily for a few hours, just to maintain them and be able to have good crops from them.
elcap1999 said:
Right now, it's gettng to the 80's and rather humid (I know, I know, but it's south Florida, what do you expect?), but I imagine during the summer, I'd have to run the system daily for a few hours, just to maintain them and be able to have good crops from them.
So jealous here. I agree with running it daily in the summer it gets scorching down there plus the plant will be a lot bigger. Last year watered by hand. Never again. I could only water them in the morning before I went to work. Enjoy the weather. Still in the upper 20s lower 30s here at night.
I still have a few months before the temps get to the point where I need to run it several hours, but I'm hoping to have my stuff all rigged up by then and the back strip ready to go, including an install of the drip irrigation system in that area. I may even be able to squeeze 4 rows of plants in there if I just put them in pots, since that area is about 12 feet wide, meaining I'll have at least 3-4 feet between rows, so I should have around 120 plants total in that area.
After reading your last post. I remember seeing pictures of the spot in a glog. Had to go back and make sure it was you. It was and looks like a nice spot. I like planning ahead. I can't wait to see how it turns out.
Same here. I just pulled the trigger on ordering the digital timer and fertilizer injector, and I already have liquid ferts I need (liquid worm castings and seaweed/fish emulsion), so I should be good to go! :)
Thats fantastic. I cant wait to see that. I have been debating a big reservoir style drip system. So many options. I still have lots of time to decide. As for yourself I think you have it. Was looking at the space I think you could put 4 rows in there using pots and drip. It's going to look like a jungle. But hey. It's Florida.LOL...