Drip Setup Went Crazy !!! What 2 Do?

We had to go away for a couple days, and I have a drip setup for my plants which are in plastic totes, but no drainage. I have it set to water just enough, but something happened and Ohhh Noooooo. One tote (end of line of 3 totes) is saturated to where there is standing water on top of soil!!! The other two (# 1 & 2 in line) seem fine. These are too heavy to move and i cant just drill a hole to let it drain out since they are inside... Any ideas????
Drive a piece of 2" or thicker PVC into the soil, and use a wet/dry vac to vacuum out the water.  You'll have to suck out the soil core first, and if you can get a smaller hose to fit inside the PVC, you'll want to do that, so you don't pull suction on the PVC, itself. (it's supposed to be an isolation layer or liner, not a vacuum tube, on its own)
solid7 said:
Drive a piece of 2" or thicker PVC into the soil, and use a wet/dry vac to vacuum out the water.  You'll have to suck out the soil core first, and if you can get a smaller hose to fit inside the PVC, you'll want to do that, so you don't pull suction on the PVC, itself. (it's supposed to be an isolation layer or liner, not a vacuum tube, on its own)
Very good idea....I was able to get the flooded one outside and drilled a hole in the bottom to let the water out...I am probably going to leave that one outside, it wont get any hardening off time but hopefully it will be fine. I think I have a spot next to my shed where it should be ok from wind, too much direct sun and well hopefully too much direct rain, maybe it will be ok...
only126db said:
Very good idea....I was able to get the flooded one outside and drilled a hole in the bottom to let the water out...I am probably going to leave that one outside, it wont get any hardening off time but hopefully it will be fine. I think I have a spot next to my shed where it should be ok from wind, too much direct sun and well hopefully too much direct rain, maybe it will be ok...
Well plant was outside for just a short time and was wilting...Grrrrrr
solid7 said:
Shade it immediately.
I did, wasnt entire plant, just many leaves....Trying to figure out where to put plants and use a shade cloth over top till they get used to the outside.... also trying to find shade cloth locally which may be harder than figuring where to put it...
Just get them shade...  Doesn't have to be shade cloth.  Hang a sheet, if you have to.  Light is only one aspect of hardening off, and you can wean them into the light gradually, by figuring out the shadows during the day, and giving them a little light early or late.  Point being, don't get hung up on details, just do something, even if it isn't "theoretically optimal"....
solid7 said:
Just get them shade...  Doesn't have to be shade cloth.  Hang a sheet, if you have to.  Light is only one aspect of hardening off, and you can wean them into the light gradually, by figuring out the shadows during the day, and giving them a little light early or late.  Point being, don't get hung up on details, just do something, even if it isn't "theoretically optimal"....
Yeah, I may ask the wife for an old sheet and put some stakes in the ground over by the shed and do it that way....I know wife will flip but maybe if I get the yard mowed she wont be so ****** about a sheet in the back yard LOL I have been busy with other things so yard has gone wild, have yet to mow since the snow melted!!!
Well just an update, after some more investigation all my plants got over watered, but the one got totally soaked, it took it very hard too. They are all still alive and all are doing well, but the one that took the worst soaking, it has turned yellow but is still living and seems to be improving but very slowly.
My main plants which seemed the most healthy are now doing quite well, all have been outside for a while now, the worst one I removed from the tote and planted in the ground since I had no dry dirt to transplant with.
I have a few peppers growing and as the days go by and the insects seem to be finding the plants I am seeing more and more little peppers pop up. The one plant seems like if things keep going the way they are it will have a ton of peppers, I have counted over twenty so far and it has hundreds of flowers popping up. My other big plant has a few and way more flowers than the other.
Now even though these plants all came from the same place they have different looking peppers, one has a bright green pepper and this other is producing dark green peppers, I will get some pics when they get bigger and more come out so I can really see whats going on.