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review Droolin' Devil Chipotle sauce review www.unclebig.com

well this is one of the reviews i have been looking forward to. yay my first Canadian sauce and a fairly local one too the stuff is made maybe 4 or so hours from where i live. so its pretty cool. but anyways to the review.

OKpackaging is really cool almost like a old hot rod style label.
smell: smokey almost sweet.
thickness: medium pourable but not overly thin.
consistency: chunky
pouring: pours really well since there's no drippier.
taste: smokey taste from the chipotle's and almost tastes like maple syrup.
heat: not much a nice 3-4/10 lasts for about 5-7 minutes.
uses: this would work really well as a bbq sauce because of the smoky taste and its sweetness it works well as a dipping sauce also.
after affects?: none besides maybe make you more hungry lol.

review will be up in about half hour or so
fun stuff even though i ended repeating my self a couple of times.

sauces can be bought from www.peppers.com for US customers or www.unclebig.com for Canadians.
yea its not quiute as nice as the other sauce's since it uses chipotle's and they are hard to make a smooth sauce out of. i personaly think that the garlic is hotter.
I might have to try this one, I'm always searching for a good chipotle sauce.
Haven't seen uncle Big around here in a while