annuum Droopy / Wilting Cayenne

It's "sister" plant looks great, but this one always looks so wilted.

The white specks are "bug killer". I think it's called Sevins.




Any ideas? (Besides better pics, lol)
I have a banana pepper plant that does that too. It's the only plant that does.I think it's a sun/heat problem. Up until today it's been pretty hot and muggy (in the Cleveland area). It looks fine in the morning when it's cool, but by late afternoon it's droopy again.
Have any of the leaves fallen off or do any of them have brown patches or dead areas? Is it in a low part of the garden, as in could it have been over watered? What does the stem look like down at the base?
No leaves have fallen, the color hasn't changed, & I think the stem is OK.
Last night when I checked on them, it looked all perky & happy.

Go figure. It straightens up after I complain about it. lol