• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

drunk chilli porn lol not quite a glog :) but what im doing cheers

Your drunk too? On a Weds night in Perth? Shame on you (us). Your plants are looking good bro. About the same stage as mine.
I just started to harden mine off.
Wednesday = "Hump Day"(halfway thru the week, right?!) !!!!!

And a generalized celebration worldwide is very appropriate! :D

Pretty plants and wee ones K-Strain!!!!! You too Lava!!!!
Looking good, mate! :cool:

The "fark knows" :lol: is that the Purple Tiger you were unsure of?

Looks pretty standard Purple Tiger baby to me. Grew one a couple years ago and started off the same:


Eventually it grew out more like it was supposed to:


I had never heard of a Purple Tiger (sounds like a cocktail!), so had to Google it.....

What a cool lookin' plant! What do the chiles taste like?!
Cilli gorong , morugas and black stingers have hooked !!!! Had to operate and take thes husks of will post sum pics after work when I got a few beers in me lol
Nice kev , keep up the good work mate , i think everyone will all agree there is nothing better than having a few cold beers sitting back looking at the hot pepper and some chilli porn pics , all we need now is the book Fifty shades of chilli to hit the book shelves.

I had never heard of a Purple Tiger (sounds like a cocktail!), so had to Google it.....

What a cool lookin' plant! What do the chiles taste like?!
Hi chile Juju, i got plenty of spare purple tiger seeds if you would like some, if so just send me your addy in pm.
Kev, looks great! I'm jealous because the season is just starting down under and ending here in Canada.

Todd, Eagles on this week!!! CAN'T BLOODY WAIT!

Ok as my m8 sown seeds pointed out I may have miss led ppl by putting gen1 gen 2 ect they r all my first plants but what I mean is that is the next batch , I'll correct it later but woz just trying to get sum pics up , what can I say I'm a virgin blogger and Chilli grower but cherry has been popped :)
Kev, looks great! I'm jealous because the season is just starting down under and ending here in Canada.

Todd, Eagles on this week!!! CAN'T BLOODY WAIT!

Lol Conor , your more of a footy fan than most aussies , its great to see, is it being streamed live in canada?, kev's misses is a HUGE eagles fan they even have a flag pole at the front of there house flying an eagles flag..
I am a huge disgruntled Eagles fan too! Todd I'll take some seeds!! I have a few that may interest you. Yep I've started again, thurs night beers. To celebrate the eve of the weekend :)!!!
