dust like substance on leaves

I have my 2 carolina reaper plants in the house for th winter and I noticed some yellow/orange substance that looks like dust, I've been spraying the leaves with 1 drop of Dawn dish soap in warm/room temp water.  Will this help and what is it?
laserbeam said:
I have my 2 carolina reaper plants in the house for th winter and I noticed some yellow/orange substance that looks like dust, I've been spraying the leaves with 1 drop of Dawn dish soap in warm/room temp water.  Will this help and what is it?
Sorry, never heard of yellow or orange "dust"...... On the leaves I assume? If yes - Top/bottom/or both?
And an insightful fact - DAWN is Dishwashing liquid  not Soap  Pick up some Castile soap off AMAZON for this purpose.
Edit: Forgot - Unless the "dust" is/are insects, I don't believe it will help.....