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Dwarfed twisted leaves plant

Got one plant that is having problems. Only one of about 200 plants that is doing this. Would appreciate informaint if anyone has seen this.
I have it in wood mulch and orchid medium and rabbit dodo and perlite same as all the others who are doing well. the pepper is a granada seasoning and the others are doing fine.
If this is the only one out of many equally treated specimens, I have to think it has a virus, bug infestation, or is just a genetic cripple. It happens. I'd keep it away from all of the others just to be safe. The leaves look kind of chewed on the surface. What are those brown spots at the base of the bent over tip?

edit: +1, spongey
man I don't wanna even type the word mites, but you might segregate that one to be safe........

on second look ,I think leaf miners...see those light colored little "trails", NBC Warfare time, and definitely get it away from the others!
Mine has the same problem, I have a T-scorp like that, I tried spraying it with mite/bug spray a bunch of times, I tried a soapy pesticide, I tried vinigar/water solution that kind of damaged a few leaves a little more, and I even tried plucking off all the effected leaves and all the new leaves that come up, do well, until they get a little larger then they start to act weird.. I have just chalked it up to genetic defect.. like you it is the only plant like this out of about 100..

here is what it looked like about 2 weeks ago or so.. I plucked off all the effected leaves you can see in the pic and it still is there.. but it is growing, it was stunted pretty bad at first, but it seems that it is coming along better now.. just taking longer.. and I had it close to a bunch of other plants for a month or more and even now I have it near a few other plants that I have growing in party cups still, waiting till they get a little bigger before sticking them in the 1 gallon containers with the other ones.. nothing else has been effected/....

actually after just checking downstairs again, I noticed that one of the Jamaican hot chocolates I planted have been a little strange too, one of the leaves just started curling around kind of like a spiral, and itis pretty stunted now.. so I think I am just going to take them both out and stick them alone for now and see how they do, and just plant them completely alone when it gets warm enough out.. what a pain, I need to plant some extra Jamaican hot chocolates now.. only had 2 of them come up, and with this one possibly being infected.. I'm not leaving it up for just 1 lol

good luck

btw here is what the TS looked like a few weeks ago.. it looks mostly better now, but still kind of "messed up" the new leaves look good, but then they just end up like the older ones on here.. it sucks
Took a look at the leaves under a 4X mag and I can see some tiny white balls---they are not moving but I think I will will take your suggestion and throw it out in the snow---pot and all.
Thanks Guys

I think it's just the genetics of the seed IMO, could be wrong! Seeds are much like human births,there can be defects of some sorts. They can have two sprouts in one seed, conjoined plants, and very likely genetic defects just like humans and animals. So a genetic defect is my guess, you could isolate it from the others and see how it turns out to satisfy curiosity or you can toss it. all up to you!

can you wipe off the tiny white balls? if not then it could just be bad edema!
Could be a curly top virus. I read about it a few weeks ago, and because your bottom leaves still look normal that would be my guess. Unfortunately, there's not much you can do about it. :-(

To the snow it goes!
can you wipe off the tiny white balls? if not then it could just be bad edema!

yes the tiny white balls were movable---that is why it met the snow bank---will see how the little bastards like it outside in febuary in wisconsin---Bghahahhaha

There were not many of them that I could see on the leaf---like maybe 25 in the surface and they were tiny; like 0.01 mm or smaller. But since I could see them and I could move them around the plant was out-of-here.

Well done and thanks for your help.
oh see that is where it is different than mine, mine was like scaring of the leaves, there was nothing I could move on mine.. well it's good you got it out of there then!