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soil DWC to soil

I just received my super hotties from Judy and am thinking of germinating some seeds now. my test run with my DWC system seems to have worked nicely but my intention was never to maintain the plants in the DWC, my intention was to get the plants started, establish a nice rooting system then transplant into containers in soil.

my hot lemons are 15" in height, i pulled one of the basket to show the rooting system of one of the plants: the one i am holding is a hot lemon as is the plant on the right. then in the foreground, out of focus, is a caribbean red(which is 5 times the size of some scotch bonnets started at the same time) - it is 5" in height. these are the plants i want to move into soil, once some of my other annuums die off freeing up some containers.

i have succussfully transplanted a scotch bonnet from soil into dwc, so that worked fine and have 2 cuttings from a habanero that don't seem to be rooting.

is there anything i should be concerned with about moving the h/l and c/r?

i am thinking i may trim the roots first and let the plants sit another week in the dwc to heal, then put the plants in 4.25" coir containers which will be filled with promix hp. then i plan on moving the 4.25" coir pot into its final 1 gallon plastic container with promix packed around the coir container. (the purpose for this is to possible stop heat root damage once i move the containers outside in the summer).

of all the things, i bought 8 varieties from Judy, she tossed in a couple more varieties and i will only have room in the dwc for 5 plants - unless the scotch bonnet, hab cuttings and fatalii take off by the time the new seedlings are ready to be moved.

The plants look good. Do you plan to plant the net pot into the soil or will you try and remove it from the plant first?