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water DWC water level

Hey. I'm wondering what the water level in my DWC buckets should be? I currently have 2 gals in there but all my big plants are dropping buds like crazy. Should I raise the water level? Roots look a bit dry.
The general rul of thumb is the water level should be an inch below the netpot, so raise the level until just underneath the netpot, and you should be good. And if the plant is developing it's first buds, that's actually kinda OK, but if this is an established plant already, then it may need some blooming nutrients.
You really just have to wait until the plant is ready. I have two MONSTER moruga plants that wont set any pods yet and they are given full on bloom nutrients. The amount of dropped pods is staggering but just got to give them some time.
Somewhere around the bottom of the net pot to maybe an inch below. You don't want the roots to get dry so make sure they are getting hit with the bubbler spray. The lower you have the solution, the more often you will have to check it to make sure it doesn't get too low.