Early start to next year

Thanks to the generosity of Wicked Mike, I obtained some brazilian ghost seeds (among many others) to complete my seed collection.  Here's where I'm at so far for next year:

I received the BGP and CGN seeds from Mike, the bubblegum from Buckeye and the two crosses from Junglerain.  It will take a while for them to germinate in my kitchen (took 3-4 weeks last time i tried) and then I plan on pruning/topping them all winter to get some solid roots growing.  The weather last summer was terrible with really only a month of solid sun so I want to get a big head start.  I'm a total newb but I love plants and these varieties should give me a pretty varied collection of pods.  As of right now I live twelve floors up in an apartment so I had cut my list down to 5 from the 30+ varieties I have to fit my balcony grow.  Hoping to buy a house in the near future so maybe I can up my numbers then.
Just in passing, Wicked Mike is an incredible guy.  He sent me some hot sauce and beef jerkey along with the seeds he sent me and caught me by surprise.  A true pleasure to talk with and the first guy I'll be sending my best seeds to next year (crazy experimental crosses included).  I'm thinking PrimoxButch T with a bubblegum?  Who knows...
I've always thought Americans were the nicest people and I was proven right once again.  This certainly is a great forum to learn from.