Eat a bowl of soup, win $1000?

Natally's Inferno Soup Challenge

Ok, so I haven't tried myself (and won't! LOL), but I know there are some serious hot-heads out there who would at least have a shot at this challenge.

It's at a place called Natallys in St.Pete, FL. I'd never heard of it just the other day when a coworker mentioned it to me.

I will say that it looks like a HUGE bowl of soup, so it's kind of a combo "Eat a lot" and "Eat blazingly hot stuff" challenges.

If you lose, it's a pretty expensive bowl of soup ($50), but if you finish it - $1000...

Again, I haven't eaten there yet, so no idea how their food is... but if you happen to be in the neighborhood and feeling like a challenge... let us know how it goes! :)

Link to Natally's site: click on the Inferno Soup tab for the rules (#4 YOU MUST BE SOBER TO COMPETE.... LOL... that would keep me out...)

There are also a number of videos on You Tube... just search Natallys Inferno...

Any idea on what all the ingredients are for the soup?
I would like to think I could pull this off, but if they are just saturating everything with extract, I wouldn't want to.
in one of the videos i watched on tube dude said it was fresh peppers and it takes him a day and half to make the sauce. but that could be a lie and he could use all kinds of extract,lol.
Yea... one of the articles I saw, the person who tried it said that it wasn't the mouth-burn that stopped them. It was when it hit the stomach and spread. I would think if it was laden with extract, the mouth would be seriously smoking too...

It looks to be a huge bowl too... so not something that could be chugged quickly...

It's definitely outta my league...LOL

For now anyways ;)

WARNING -- this is a Thai soup !!
When people talk about the..... “The Bangkok Bathroom Blues”….
They are NOT describing a type of Asiatic background music…

I love oriental food! Thai chefs are masters at making “anything” taste good. Many soups are better eaten with eyes closed because looking closely at the mystery ingredients may interrupt your enjoyment. Your imagination kicks in to try to ID what the hell you are putting in your mouth!


Sadly for me, I am disqualified by reason of Contest Rules #2 and #4 …
If this is a Thai-style hit pepper soup the oils would be pretty brutal on your stomach - they may use no extracts, but I'd bet they use plenty of chili oil in addition to the fresh peppers.

If it's a huge bowl of soup, served hot, that makes it even more challenging - hot temps combined with capsaicin tends to intensify the experience.

If they're willing to put $1000 on the line I'm guessing that there's no way 20 people from THP could clean them out - but I'd LOVE to watch video of them trying. :rofl:
remember i didnt say any 20,,,i said 20 of the hard chili heads. theres 20 of us im sure! it is a huge bowl,,and they will let you seperate all of the noodles and what not from the broth so the temp would lower pretty quick. also im sure every person that has tried it is the tough guy that eats pickled jalapenos on there burger from hardess. the only problem i see with this challenge is the size of the bowl.
again - I just want to watch the video.

My buddy entered a Red Savina paste habanero burger "challenge" at Prince of Wales" in San Mateo - it was brutal. He 1. came within 1 bite of finishing and couldn't due to what is known in the world of competitive eating as a "reversal", 2. ended up curled up in the fetal position in his living room for about 9 hours afterwards, regretting his attempt every pain-filled second.

He said it took 2 weeks for him to be able to take a crap without fear.
i talked to the owner its a 4 pound soup! you only have 30 minutes to eat it,big problem for me. i can eat all day but that 30 minutes might be my heel. it has morugas in it and ghost and other peppers a full pound of peppers. we are going down there in a couple of weeks if anyone in florida wants to hook up and do it. my wife is fo sure going to do it she is hard core. ill have to decide if i do it or not when we get there,,the weight of the soup would make me throw up way before the heat. also ill be drunk so thats going to be a problem! and im for sure not sound of mind!
4 lbs of soup?!?

Water weighs 2.2 lbs/quart. Assuming this is appx same density that's 2 quarts (8 cups) of ghost pepper stew.

Good f-in luck! No wonder they're willing to put $1000 on the line. I feel for whomever "wins" this - it won't be worth it I'm sure!
lmfao....go tak'em for all their money JHR!! 4 pounds of soup....that's only a half gallon of water. Not too bad. I can take that down in about 10 minutes on a hot day. Now that it's got a pound of chili's in it......holy shit! That's a lot of chili's, you better eat a stick of butter before you put that down into yer belly. Prepping for this is prob. Key. What the hell am I talking about, there's no prepping for this!