Ebay deal of the century

A guy on eBay says he'll sell fresh bhut jolokia peppers for $150 for a SFRB.  By his count that is 2000+ seeds, which is why it is such a steal. Lol!
Hahaha! Why do I get the feeling the bhuts will turn out to be nothing more than japs or cayennes? People are ridiculous sometimes. If I need to order pods online, I'll just go through one of the THP members like Sicman. They have great prices on quality products.
texas blues said:
That seller is obviously on drugs.
Any actual buyers are on more drugs.
to buy that you need to be: higher than johny cash in a bush eating cake high.
There are more than 1 sucker born every day.
I would feel a bit guilty.
Just a bit.
But I would give him/her exactly what was advertised.
This guy does have ghost peppers.  I ordered 5 from him for $5, which is expensive but I had a craving and I figured it was only $5.  Anyway, he sent two.  So in talking with him about being 3 short I decided to ask what he would sell a SFRB for.  He replied that he will send my missing pods, even though he says he can't see where it said 5, and then went on to explain his math about how many seeds would be in the "80" pods that would fit in the box.  Saying that the 2000 seeds would be $150.  I explained to him that the best sources for seeds aren't selling them for that much and they are guaranteed to be true to type.  That seeds from pods are not always true to type and that fresh pods sell for anywhere from $15 at the low end to $30 at the high end for a SFRB.  Well he replied and said thank you for informing him that only about 30 or so peppers can fit in the box, but there is no way he can sell pods for that rate and that I ought to go to those other sources.  lol, said he was still going to be sending the other pods though so I don't think he is a scammer per se.  Here is a pic of the pods I got.