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Ebson salt?

I've been doing a lot of reading here. Still a newby sorry. Please explain the use of ebson salt. When? Where? How? Why?

One other small question. Anyone use a spritzer for misting. Water or something else?


I use magnesium sulfate once or twice a season - when the leaves get a bit dull and especially if there's been a lot of rain. I foliar spray. But, it's not a main nutrient I use. Pepper plants don't néed much help IMO.
I use Epsom salt once every other week in between fertilizer applications.
I usually sprinkle a 1/4 cup or less on top of the soil and I also spray my plants.
jojo said:
is epsom salt or calmag still needed if using tap water?
Probably not. But a little couldn't hurt. How hard is your water down in Long Beach? I bet it is pretty hard. Lots of minerals. Calcium & magnesium.

For watering I only add 5ml (CalMag+) per gallon of RO water.
McGuiver said:
Probably not. But a little couldn't hurt. How hard is your water down in Long Beach? I bet it is pretty hard. Lots of minerals. Calcium & magnesium.

For watering I only add 5ml (CalMag+) per gallon of RO water.
I have no idea...   i would have to look it up.  Yeah, i bet it's pretty hard too.
I use CalMag and my plants love it. Do you need fertilizer if you are using tap water? Yes, particularly once the plants kick into production, Calcium is needed to prevent Blossom End Rot (BER). BER will cause your peppers to rot while still on the plant - not good. Do you have to use CalMag? No, any other brand of fertilizer high in calcium will do. Most fertilizers formulated for tomatoes work.
Now are we talking about the same stuff grandma soaks her feet with? How much? How much for the spritzer also.

Psst Jojo!
Very last page:
Mg: 2.4-21 ppm
Ca: 19-55 ppm
You're all good if you use tap water, your plants will get a constant trickle of these nutes and you'll never burn them with Ca or Mg. You should still probably supplement with P2O5 (phosphates/phosphorous) and NO3 (nitrates/nitrogen) as well as micronutrients but only in small amounts if your soil is healthy.
Cal-Mag = 20-30 bucks
Epsom salts = 2 bucks?
Easy choice for me.
That particular brand also has nitrogen, not always a bad thing, but in some cases not good. Used it in the past to bump up RO or incredibly soft (20ppm) water in soilless conditions.
Epsom salt - contains no calcium. Like I said, CalMag does not have exclusivity - you can find many fertilizers formulated for tomatoes which are less expensive. Tomatoes and chiles are related, and have extremely similar fert needs. Find something at your local garden center made for tomatoes and you're golden.