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Effects of frequent spicy food on the body

Hi guys, there are a lot of articles that seem to be pushing cayenne and peppers as being beneficial but I have not seen any actual proper tests. Its mostly ads from nutrition houses and supplement manufacturers. Are there any proper tests to show the ups and downs?

I know that capsaicin elevates the metabolic rate temporarily and it also improves circulation and I've read that it acts as an anti-inflamatory but what about any long term health benefits or hazards? I'd imagine that the pepper is hot to mammals like us for a reason and thats so we dont eat them (I mean the pepper plant is just protecting its young). Its really an irritant of sorts no? Our noses run and the body temporarily creates mucus to get rid of the stuff no? Does the liver have to process capsaicin and if so, does it give it more work?

Dont get me wrong, I love hot stuff and I do believe there are health benefits from the peppers but I'd be curious to see if there have been any medical studies to document the effects over a long period of time.

Lets talk about peppers and health...especially for the ones that eat lots of hot peppers all the time :)
Ill dig through my papers. I have been researching this kind of stuff for a while so I can put up a section on my website. There was also an article in this months mens health on benefits and the actual scientific studies. I have one study that was done over a long term effects. It is believed to reduce the possibilities of being diabetic by 60% or more if you have hot red peppers in your diet 3-4 times a week. There are many many more. Ill find em and post em.

There are some on the CPI website too.
I have a complete copy of the Training Manual on Postharvest Research and Technology Development for Tomatos and Chillis. Along with some others. Im digging around right now.
The effects on the body can be quite extreme. Bhut to the eye is a real killer!
There have been arthritis studies done at Kings College in London. Capsaicin helps combating inflamation of arthritis. They are developing a medicinal type of capsaicin to be used by those who need long term treatment and could have negative side effects from other methods of treatment/medication (anti-inflamatories)
There are also studies going on regarding its effects on prostate and other cancers. It(capsaicin) has shown to destroy cancer cells in mice. I am not sure when human trials begin or if they have begun.
In countries were spicy food is eaten regularly some cancers are very low. diet?

Looks like your that article already mentioned that JS. oops!
In countries were spicy food is eaten regularly some cancers are very low. diet?

I have read similar info about the cancer rates, but you have to wonder is it the chiles in the diet or lack of processed foods and artificial additives, most of these countries eat much healthier food in general compare to mass produced chemically enhanced processed junk that most of America consumes, which is what I personally believe to be the cause of alot of cancer & illness in this country, its sickening to see what is really getting put in food.
Ok now back to the topic, yes I do think there are great health benefits to eating chiles also. :D
I have read similar info about the cancer rates, but you have to wonder is it the chiles in the diet or lack of processed foods and artificial additives, most of these countries eat much healthier food in general compare to mass produced chemically enhanced processed junk that most of America consumes, which is what I personally believe to be the cause of alot of cancer & illness in this country, its sickening to see what is really getting put in food.
Ok now back to the topic, yes I do think there are great health benefits to eating chiles also. :D

Yep i agree WM. Its funny that before you had all these processed foods, people who ate the natural stuff live a long time. 80's90's, Now with all the crap they sell and put in fast food, there is a big increase in certain cancers. Anybody ever watched Food inc.?
Yep i agree WM. Its funny that before you had all these processed foods, people who ate the natural stuff live a long time. 80's90's, Now with all the crap they sell in fast food places there is a big increase in certain cancers. Anybody ever watched Food inc.?

+1 for Food Inc, its a must see
yeah that one and supersize me. What thats stuff can do to your body.

the sad fact of the matter is, you almost have to be rich to eat healthy, with the high prices of organic foods and costs to maintain and grow all your own food, while still working 40hrs a week, its sucks, one of the best parts in food inc is when they talk about the family that has the choice of buying fresh lettuce or a McDonalds $1 value burger, and it sums it up nice, for cheaper then the price of a head of lettuce you can go get a cheeseburger from your local fast food joint, so what do you think most people chose to eat?
Eating chile's is not only about the physiological effects. The spirit is an integral part of the equation. Eat 20+ hab poppers as I have done and you too will see GOD!! I shit you not!!
Well... you get a legal "high"... that's a good thing, right? Alright, I'm completely anti-drug-laws, period (especially marijuana and salvia divinorum and other relatively safe natural ones), but I recall watching an episode of The Doctors where they were saying that eating hot foods "releases endorphins" and in general is just good for you. Drugs aren't always bad... and we should all be locked up, exiled and go to hell, our own brains are capable of producing opiates... I hope like hell extremely hot peppers are never outlawed like two other special herbs (and other unfortunate targets of anti-drug-groups). If so, then running distance should be as well. It's f***ing disgusting that people could outlaw such natural lifeforms, even with their medical benefits, effectively outlawing their research. Makes the drug companies and religious people happy, I'm sure, as well as the cotton industry and others... can't patent nature. Well, in most cases, that is. Yet f***ing tobacco, of all wretched things, is legal (and probably always will be).