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El Yucateco XXXTA Hot

I tried El Yucateco XXXTRa hot a few times before but I did not actually purchase a bottle until a few weeks ago. The price is cheap, only 3-4 dollars a bottle. The bottle is 4 oz instead of the usual 5 oz. Unlike most habanero sauces the color is a deep brown rather than a red. I suppose this is because they use green and red habaneros and the combination gives it that distinct color. The consistency is just right, not too thick, not too thin.  The flavor and aroma are very earthy and smoky and there is also a salty note.  The habanero flavor is there but there is more spice and salt flavor than anything else.  I really like the salty taste actually, but I know some of you don't.  Heatwise, it is a rather stingy sauce and the burn increases the more you eat of it. Some sauces (Endorphin Rush comes to mind) start off strong but seem to mellow out as you eat more. Not this one.
So this sauce has everything you could ask for at a cheap price; good flavor, consistency, and heat. If you have not tried El Yucateco XXXTRa hot, go out and get a bottle now.
Verdict: Heat 7, Flavor 9
Have a great weekend everybody.
El Yucateco Exxxtra hot is one of my standby hot sauces that I sporadically use when I'm waiting for my "go-to" hot sauces to arrive by mail. It costs less than $2 a bottle here and it's readily available at the local ranch market. Another Spanish hot sauce that I keep around the house is Castillo salsa habanera. It's a red, runny, hot sauce with a vinegary taste but it goes well with certain dishes when it's all mixed in.
One of my favourite hole in the wall type texmex places has but the red and this xtra hot green on the shelf - I think especially for me. They're great sauces with extra cheesy texmex style food. Not devilishly hot though so it's never going to blow you away but a good staple.
I have a soft spot for this sauce! 
I would bring home several bottles of it after visiting my family in Texas.
Me and Sum used dare each other to eat this stuff on corn chips, pre THP days.
At first, we couldn't handle much...then we built tolerance.Now its like, whatever...
At the same time, we were growing all kinds of peppers, bbqing, and brewing beer.
...Then Sum stumbled upon THP, recommended it to me too, and the rest is history!
I love Yucateco XXX, it's like my first girlfriend of real hot sauce.
Great review. 
We should all have a bottle on hand!
pepperdan said:
Its one of my favorite "on the go" sauces, I keep a bottle in every car
OK - so we had a discussion on another thread about shelf life of sauces.  How long do you keep a bottle in the car?  I'm assuming it opened and kept at "glovebox" temperature?
theghostpepperstore said:
Luckily for you conceal and carry laws in Illinois don't apply to hot sauces... yet.
Il doesn't have any concealed carry laws yet. Stupid governor won't sign the shitty bill that the legislature passed. Even though it is a crappy bill, it is still better than what you have.
Oh, and yes, I like that hot sauce too. I don't usually keep it a home, but a few restaurant I eat at have it on the table.