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End Run for my Peppers


Hi All! New to the forum. My peppers made it safely through Irene. Serranos, jalapenos, Cayennes and Habaneros. Should I prune them up some?
I have had a hard time having my peppers turn red in the past. It seems as the days grow shorter and the nights cooler and more damp, they rot
before they turn red. A few will turn, but that is it.
Possibly you could take a portion of them off green (maybe not good idea with Habaneros, but the others are ok green I think), then the plants can focus energy on ripening the ones they have left.
(edit - I now realise that's what you mean by "prune them up", lol)

In theory that may work, however my theories and reality sometimes don't overlap too well! haha

Nice pic aswell, lots of pods!!