sun Enough Sunlight?

Hi all. I'm growing some Purple habaneros, Carolina Reapers and Pequin peppers on my balcony.
Since I live in an apartment this is unfortunately my only space to grow them.
I am trying to get a plot at the community garden, but not sure if that will work out.
I am wondering if they will get enough sun on my balcony, however.
It is east facing and currently gets 1-2 hours direct sun in the morning, the rest of the day it is lit but covered by the shade of a large Magnolia tree.
In the summer it gets about 4 hours of morning sun, but since I live in the Sacramento valley it is often around 100F and I'm wondering if the high temps will make up for the lack of sun. It has already been above 80 for the last 2 weeks.
     First of all,  :welcome:  to THP! Second, high temps unfortunately aren't a substitute for sunlight. Photosynthesis only occurs as a result of visible light energy. Third, Although peppers definitely grow best in full sunlight, four hours a day should allow your plants to grow to a decent size and produce an OK crop. They won't exactly thrive, but they certainly won't be leggy and only produce a few pods. 
     Having said that, if I were you, I'd really try to get a spot in that garden. Good luck!
Yes,  :welcome:
Peppers generally need at least 6 hours of sunlight a day to do well. However, keep in mind that light reflects, so they may get enough for you to get some production. If you have an outlet on your balcony, perhaps you can add some artificial light. As dash said, heat does not make up for light; in fact, peppers generally stop producing in the high 90's(F). So it could be that with the direct light they do get and the shade to keep them a tad cooler, you might get more production than if they had true full sun all day. Maybe, might…. let us know how things go!
    Get them hardened and outside..I worry about the next snow and you are worried about sunlight?Push your plants they will thank you....
Thanks for the advice and the welcomes! I hardened them off for 10 days and just planted them in bigger pots and they're staying outside now.
They grew up on a very sunny window sill, but I was running out of room inside.
My first grow is only getting 4 hours of direct sun in my sunroom.

It seems to grow fine with that and the refracted light.

Pods however seem to be small and take much longer to ripen...its been podding for 4 weeks and they still haven't turned.