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Epsom Salt

I've seen a lot of references here to using Epsom Salts for it's magnisium in a spray. What's it do for the plants and how much? I'm a new guy to this chile growing and hungry for info. Hey thanks in advance for any info
The Epsom Salts provide Magnesium, if your plants are not as green as they should be, it will green up the foliage. I only use it if I notice them not looking as healthy as they should.
So I'm getting mixed answers about this. I see 1 T to a quart and 1 T to a gallon. For a foliar spray what is the desired concentration?
Tablespoon to a gallo is what I use. Srayed on. Turns em dark greeand lush. Not sure what it does for em but makes me feel good.
The Epsom Salts provide Magnesium, if your plants are not as green as they should be, it will green up the foliage. I only use it if I notice them not looking as healthy as they should.

agree. personally I don't really use epsom at all unless they're looking like they need it like PF said. if leaves are looking light, then it doesn't hurt to add some, especially when they're young. But like JustinNC says, whatever works for you. A lot of people don't use it at all with great success and I really haven't noticed any difference whether I use it or not.
Like I said, I'm not sure what it does for them, other than provide said nutrients. What do they do for the plant? Not sure. Just make's me feel better about myself if they turn light green, they'll go back to lush, dark green the next day, and I stop worrying like a first time mother.
Magnesium and sulphur; that is what Epsom salts provide. If your plants are lacking either then apply as required. But I would suggest a bit of research regarding your soil and it's amendments. IME, less is more!
This is what i've read from before on other sites.

Epsom has magnesium. Mg is responsible for carrying calcium and probably nitrogen in plants. It's especially needed by peppers and tomatoes when they are flowering and fruiting.

the reason you need to keep on adding epsom salt along is Magnesium is very water soluable and each watering leaches the Mg out of the soil...

I typically don't foliar feed but 1 Tbsp per gallon mixed and sprayed on the foliage is great for an immediate boost to darker green foliage...

I side dress with epsom salt...just sprinkle about 1 Tbsp per plant on top of the soil, then each time you water, the plants will get a little shot of Mg...side dressing is also the way I feed my plants...(if you don't know what side dressing is, it is simply scattering the "stuff" on top of the soil)