Ever wish this was you?


that's Neil of the Hippy Seed Co.
Have loved the Hippie Seed company since they did right by Butch Taylor.  But no, I would not want to be him because we have different motivations.  If I wanted my property looking like asphalt, i would move back to an urban condominium.  Also, my focus is on food production.  Seeds are kind of a sideline.  Their focus is on seed production.  I can not think of a reason that container growing and drip irrigation would not be a great way to go for seed production.  But for food production, if you are going for flavor,  nothing beats growing in the ground with natural compost and good drainage.

Yep, I am weird but I love the dirt, the mud when it rains, the critters who forage for pests, and all the other dirty sweaty parts of growing in a more natural setting.  It is good for the soul.
ajdrew said:
Have loved the Hippie Seed company since they did right by Butch Taylor.  But no, I would not want to be him because we have different motivations.  If I wanted my property looking like asphalt, i would move back to an urban condominium.  Also, my focus is on food production.  Seeds are kind of a sideline.  Their focus is on seed production.  I can not think of a reason that container growing and drip irrigation would not be a great way to go for seed production.  But for food production, if you are going for flavor,  nothing beats growing in the ground with natural compost and good drainage.

Yep, I am weird but I love the dirt, the mud when it rains, the critters who forage for pests, and all the other dirty sweaty parts of growing in a more natural setting.  It is good for the soul.
It really is nice when you're not in direct city limits and it rains. It has a different smell when the wind blows before the storm comes and you can hear the leaves blowing. Being in the construction industry I have always built my own house. We have built 3 houses and they were great but I hated being in a subdivision. We just bought a house older than myself that is on 5.6 acres in August. While it is some getting used to inside being smaller and older the outside is wonderful and peaceful. I can always update a room at a time to make the inside more comfortable. Having no neighbors to bother me and having room for our kids and dogs to run around is well worth it.
Ozzy2001 said:
It really is nice when you're not in direct city limits and it rains. It has a different smell when the wind blows before the storm comes and you can hear the leaves blowing. Being in the construction industry I have always built my own house. We have built 3 houses and they were great but I hated being in a subdivision. We just bought a house older than myself that is on 5.6 acres in August. While it is some getting used to inside being smaller and older the outside is wonderful and peaceful. I can always update a room at a time to make the inside more comfortable. Having no neighbors to bother me and having room for our kids and dogs to run around is well worth it.
Amen to that brother!!!! You speak the truth!! :)
Ozzy2001, yes, yes and did I mention yes?  Family member has property, a condo, that I fixed up and got listed.  Lived there for a bit on and off while fixing it up cause it is out of town.  I thought I would loose my mind.  I walked out the back door to concrete.  I walked out the backyard to asphalt.  It was like living in the middle of a parking lot.
Would HATE It... Or should I say my family would because I would be out there from morning till night and they would never see me lol.. Its hard enough with a small crop. =D
NOW that's how you grow shit!  ajdrew:  I also enjoy growing in the ground BUT........there's a lot to said of QC when growing like that.  Each plant can be grown to it's optimum.  It's beautiful.  And there's a reason for the black-out polypropylene woven cloth (not ashphalt!) - it keeps weeds out, is permeable so your paths aren't mud, and apparently it keeps nematodes out - that's also why the pots are in crates - no contact with possible nematodes in soil (and also allows for good drainage of containers so that the holes don't get clogged).
Nice to see someone else also uses plastic grow bags.  All my chinense are in 20 liter bags like those.  Cheap and easy to store.
Robstar, ye I know it is plastic.  I was observing it looks like asphalt. If I did that to my property, i would feel I were living in that condo I mentioned.   Container growing screws with taste.  Not my thing.

Hell, sit down in my garden without a duck, chicken, or goat coming to say hi... hell no.  OK, when the crops are growing the goats are out, but I would die if my duck and chicken were gone.

Like I said, different stokes.  I prefer the mud.
Some people are taking this too literally.

Growing peppers for a living and enjoying it, is what he means. Not if you want the damn weed barriers and stuff lol.
Hotpepper, funny thing is that I did not even comment on how literally I first took it.  My first thought was barefoot on black plastic in the sun.  Sure it is not full summer  sun or he wouldnt be smiling, but that was the first thing to pop into my mind.  You are right, doing what you love is where it is at.  I want to share this with you since you get it.

I am only up to about 30 minutes standing at a time.  So I am spending those 30 minute spurts with my walk behind tiller going between rows and over furrows.  Things like onions, potato, carrots, beats all go in this month.  Behind me walks the peking ducks, not sure why they follow but they do.  Scattered on where I have tilled are muscovy and various chicken.  All are pecking up the bugs and worms I am exposing.  I sit down, and the older of two baby goats jumps in my lap hoping for her bottle.  Scattered where I have not yet cut down the weeds from last year are other goats and a sheep getting the last of the forage before it is gone.

Yes!  Doing what you love is where it is at.  Growing peppers, running a bar, what ever it is that a person loves to do they will become good at it if they just do it.

Ozzy2001, what cracks me up about Australia is the whole anti gun thing along with all the critters that will kill you.  We have wild boar and coyote where I live.  I can not imagine living here without a firearm.  Not like calling 911 is going to do a damn thing when coyote at your chicken.
Not to get too off-topic here, but many in the Australian countryside own shotguns or rifles compared to their urban brethren. Handgun ownership is lower overall, but there's a misconception that guns aren't legal to own in Australia.
I disagree with the suggestion that container gardening affects taste from my own personal experience, but appreciate the delight in having one's feet in the dirt enjoying the garden. If I were running a large seed operation of this sort I'd want everything running as efficiently as possible though, and the containers with drip and plastic mulch seem the best course. 