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Experimentation with pots

Hi all,

Here in Australia, if you want a decent backyard, and you live in an established metro area, it will cost you an absolute packet. Most block sizes in my area are about 500m2, so most of that is taken up by the house itself.

So, after doing some reading up on google about water saving pots given the water restrictions are on, I found this interesting space saving pot contraption:



I've ordered one, to experiment over this coming growing season with. I might have to pick and choose what plants I put in there, since I'm not going to be able to let them grow very tall, but they have about a litre reservoir in each tier for the plants, which should hopefully see the plants through the middle of summer where I cant water with fresh water for upto 4 days at a time.

I do take on board Neil from THSC advice when it comes to grey water, probably need to look at how Im going to store that water, but if this works out, I'll probably buy a few more, meaning I can have more plants in as little space.
that is a very interesting container setup, how the water runs into the next level below so no water is wasted.
I dont know how good it'll work for chile plants, but I think it'd work just fine as long as you grew some smaller plants or at least have the smaller types towards the bottom.
but then what about sunlight ? since it seems like a couple might not get as much sunlight depending on its location.

it'd be a great herb garden.
I have a couple questions for you aussie's, since it seems like you're on a never ending water restriction.
you have any lakes close by ? :lol:
if you cant water but every 4 days, can you just fill up 55 gallon drums for later ? :lol: or are you restricted to a certain ammount of water to household ?

I'm so used to of having water around I cant imagine going through a water restriction, well I take that back when I lived in city limits the worst we had was odd/even days for watering lawns.
Yeah, you need to rotate the containers every day. No harm done there, I find gardening relaxing.

As for the plant size issue, definitely a consideration I'm going to have to take into account. I was thinking of just lopping off the top when they get to the same height of the tier 2 higher to try and promote branching out a bit more.

Anyway, its an experiment. If it works, I'll definitely be buying more.
chilehunter said:
I have a couple questions for you aussie's, since it seems like you're on a never ending water restriction.
you have any lakes close by ? :lol:
if you cant water but every 4 days, can you just fill up 55 gallon drums for later ? :lol: or are you restriction to a certain ammount of water to household ?

Every state, and every region in the state, can be on different water restrictions at any given time.

The law currently states for at least in Melbourne, that I can water between 6 am - 8 am with a hand held hose only, on Tuesdays and Saturdays. We are on about 30% water storages, but they are currently building a desalination plant to try and alleviate the water shortages from severe drought.

We cant even wash our cars with a hose these days, unless you go to a car wash place that recycles their water. Watering lawns is 100% banned at this stage too.
I think it'll work great for you since you're under water restrictions, & it could be a great setup for people that live in apartments or places with limited space.

I dont know about cutting the tops to make the plant more bushier. with that setup (because of water) I'd only grow small chile plants that only get about 1ft tall (or 1.5ft tall) & just grow a couple bigger ones for the top containers since nothing would be in their way.

& I see you posted after I edited my post(add on)
like I said I cant really imagine a strict water restriction, since I live in the "land of 10,000 lakes" (just the MN state) & not including the rivers/streams/ponds
I wouldn't rotate containers because you will eventually break off some prized chili plant. Just move them around as needed and water accordingly. Still no wasted water.
you'll have to knock up a big "lazy susan" like at the chinese retuarants lol.
personally I think the set up might be too compact for chillis I'd keep for strawberries or similiar...
I think with limisted space even though it dosn't make the most sense initially, I would use large pots less plants and go for healthier bigger yield from the plant.
think about it this way, BB has grown six foot nagas in 6 to 9 months in large pots, he got rediculious yields, this way to you can go top end set up a water system like the auto pot or wet pots get top end soil etc etc .
But don't let me put you off the idea of the cool pots give it a go once all the plants are established it will look awesome..
Yeah, I rang the guy first and asked if they had any instances of using these things for tomatoes or chillies, I think he said he had some particular chilli growing in one of the pots on his front verandah, and it was doing alright.

It's just an experiment, if it doesnt work, I think strawberries might be the go. Be hard to work out where to put it, if I put it out the back, the bloody dogs will hook into the strawberries, and if out the front, the numerous flocks of bird will probably dig in. Spose some sort of netting over the outside would fix that.
wordwiz said:
You could always grow hydroponically! I haven't added any water to the one upstairs in nearly a month.


I start off with hydro, and moved away from it.

The system I was using was the Autopot (www.autopot.com.au). It worked ok, but the plants got very big, and not very stable in just the perlite/vermiculite mix. They also became very root bound in the 10 inch pots.

I also had the problem with pollination. No idea why, but when I moved them to soil, and started hand pollinating, I finally got fruit. This was the same for the bell peppers and tomatoes that were also in the autopot, moved to soil, fruit started happening.

Not sure what I'll do this summer, got all this hydro gear that will lie around and do nothing this spring if I cant find a use for it.

I've just started trying hydro so I can't say anything about growing methods, roots or such. On top of that, I have them under LED lights, something else I have never used.

If all goes as hoped, by December I can hopefully give a nice report.

MiLK_MaN said:
I have one actually. Seems like a waste of electricity just to collect water from it though

theres 2 benefits to this dehumidifier, 1 being water 2nd is a comfortable living conditions in your household.

& to say seem's like a waste of money (to collect water when dealing with water restriction ) to grow chiles.
well you could say the same thing about people spending alot of money on soil,fert's,hydro,lights,greenhouse,etc.... all in the name of growing some measly chiles ;)
its all the same in my eyes & what you want to spend to get the chiles you want.