• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

EZG's pepper glog of 2013

Hello everyone. I gave a short introduction in the hello area so I'm just going to dive into pepper stuff now. 
Bhut Jolokia
Florecents, MH, HPS
General Organics Base
Down to earth bat guano (3-10-1)
Roots (Yellow bottle)
Soluble K 
I have grown out serranos, piquin, and cherry peppers before but I had terrible yields and very small peppers although tasty and hot. I went to Home Depot and bought live plants. The plants basically stayed exactly the same size they were when I got them even after potting up. I like to think I am a good judge of plant health but in the end I have decided the safest route is to not buy live plants from HD again. I now go seed all the way. It only took me 2 years to learn this! :P
I admittedly started late. I germinated my seeds on the May 1st. I was buy studying for finals (Finishing up an AA in bio and Chem then on to soil studies?) and I let my seeds almost fully sprout in a paper towel before I transplanted them. This means I had root tips growing through the paper towel and delicate root hairs were torn upon placement in a propagation chamber. In my defense I was told to "germinate an entire packet per strain, and to wait at least a week before being concerned about no germ.....Everything except the Bhut germinated in 48hrs and I had something like 85% germination! Despite all the peppers I have right now I threw out at least 2/3 of my germinated seeds....Lesson learned. Also I had roughly 90% success after root tearing so I was gentle in my destruction. 

I am planning on trying to run some of these peppers year round by pumping hot air from my indoor nursery into a greenhouse (being built right now) at night since my nursery is on a nocturnal schedule for the power bill. I get enough frost to grow plums and cherries so the peppers will def die if not cared for. We shall delve into the greenhouse at a later date.....Foundation polls are being set up on Saturday. 

May 5th. These are rapid rooter cubes. I buy them as a mat of 96 then I tear them up one by one and place them in their own spot. 


May 10th


Xplant (transplant) into 4 inch pots on may 18th. Each pot received base, cal/mag, roots, and 1 tsp of guano. No food has been given to them since this time.

May 30th 

June 6th (Today) 400w MH

June 6th (Today) Sick bay/straggelers under the floro. I find that they really like the folor better but they grow slower. When i plant starts looking week and stunted I throw it under the floro and they turn out all right normally.

You will notice my peppers look a bit deteriorating. I sprayed them with 2 TBL of Azatrol and 1.5 TBL of Pottassium bicarbonate. Other plants in my nursery had powder mildew and spider mites so I took preventative action. That was done yesterday and they are telling me they didn't like what I did that much but they aren't dead so that's a + :) There is also probably a lil bit of overwatering (I'm lifting every pot individually now) and I think maybe a Calcium def? Check pictures below of what I believe to be the most affected plant in the room. This is before any spray so we can rule that out. All the pics from the 6th onward will show stress form spraying. 



I have been told it's either C or over watering. I plan on having these guys all outside by the end of next weed (at the very latest) so I'm not taking much action in regards to fert. 
Phew that was a long post. I needed to catch up to where I was + I wanted to give as much info as possible about the plants so that maybe I can get help diagnosing the last set of pictures.
If you made it this far I hope you enjoyed my 2nd post. See you all soon!
Edit: I want to add that if anyone sees anything wrong with any of my plants please don't feel shy about pointing it out. I live in the boonies and I am a bachelor and literally no one I know knows anything about hort and if they do they can't be bothered to come out and visit me. So please tell me what you see. I will not take offense. Many thanks.
I checked back in on them in the morning and they looked even worse than in the picture. I added 1/2 tsp of C with a wetting agent and sprayed the plants once the light was off. The peppers seem to have reverted back to their original state of screwedupness from last night. I will spray with C tomorrow with the lights go off again and see how it goes.

Below is one update picture. 

I've been browsing youtube and checking out peoples glogs there since I am having issues with finding a comprehensive list of pepper issues with pictures. I know they can be similar to other plants and I have THOSE guide's but all plants grow a bit differently and are affected at a different rate by things...Anyone have a good link? Many thanks! 
I have a new issue going on with a bunch of my peppers. Diagnostic help would be appreciated!!! 

I think it might be sulfur toxicity since the Ca/Mg I make has a good amount of sulfur in it but again I'm not sure I am new at peppers and have never seen this before.



The discoloration is apparent on the top of the leaves but more prominent on the bottom. 
So I've been totally bombarded by PM's to update my glog so I will. (Jking :party:

I am 99% sure that the brown marks on the leaves are sulfur burns since I sprayed CaSO4 on my plants two nights in a row. I think they had markings after the first spraying though so that is telling me my mixture was either way to hot or that CaSO4 is a TERRIBLE foliar spray. Anyways new growth shows that I hit the Ca deficiency so it's all good.

Work is going slow on the greenhouse building. I have no help so I have to move everything by myself and slowely. 

Here is a pic of where the greenhouse is going to go. 

About 1/2 of that space will be greenhouse and I will have an area behind it to grow shaded plants and an area in front of it for my cactus and cycads which like 100% full sun. 

All the plants are currently sitting in 95% shade under a bench "hardening off" I will move them to full sun in a few days. If they can't take it that's their fault not mine! MUWHAHAHAHA (It will be mine)