Farewell old friend(s).


Staff Member
I thought I'd post a tribute of sorts to my Rocoto plants that recently had to make way for a new project. 
I planted four Rocoto plants in my garden bed roughly four years ago. The soil was clay, but I improved it before planting, and again every year after that. I lost one of the plants after the second year due to root rot, but planted two more alongside the others soon after. 
We've had frost, some very hot days, and the wind where I live is ridiculous at times, but the plants took it all in their stride. They have provided me with pods all year round with the late season pods that ripen in winter being the biggest and fattest. 
I had to keep pruning them back because they kept growing out and shading the other plants in the bed.
So, here they are/were, they were 2.5 meters or 8.2 feet tall.

They were loaded with pods and flowers, so it wasn't easy to have to cut them down. It is mostly the three original Rocoto's you can see above. The two, much smaller, late arrivals (right) were potted up (note the yellow shovel handle) in the hope that they'll survive and continue the tradition. Seeds from these plants have traveled to a few parts of the U.S, South Africa, and also around Australia. 
After the massacre. 

Thanks guys, It was certainly hard to do, and I delayed it for as long as I could. I'll certainly keep the potted ones as happy as I can, but summer isn't really the best time to be uprooting them. I'll do my best though. 
I've got a new raised bed going in soon which means I'll be able to plant some vegetables more peppers.  :dance:
your fence looks amazing.
gosh i read the thread and i was like-NOOOOOOOOO, don t leave.
were bff's right?

your neighbors roof looks amazing too... are those cement or clay roofing tiles?
Need seeds for a few Rocoto or Manzano ?
Sasbe seeds.
I have several varieties and a TON of Market pods/seeds that are unknows or?
Pubes are my favorite,especially smoke dried to be used for a coarse powder.
PM me.
I MIGHT be able to actually send a plant to you.Maybe,no promises...
At your postage expense.
I've seen stuff People thought was dead/Pubes.
That looked DEAD,but the roots kicked out a plant in Spring, Though they were under snow all winter-IN a POT no less.
PM me about seeds-Peru and S. American stuff mostly.
Land Race,Market pods from the place of origin.
See Hombre's pics of what he grew from My seeds.
Lots of un named Land Race stuff. 
See Vallerta or Dino Pods.
RIP - Rocotos.....
Great looking plants you had there.
:dance: for more peppers (veges)
Them surviving the hot days there gives me some hope of getting them to grow up here in the future....
queequeg152 said:
your fence looks amazing.
gosh i read the thread and i was like-NOOOOOOOOO, don t leave.
were bff's right?

your neighbors roof looks amazing too... are those cement or clay roofing tiles?
Ha, ha, too funny. :P  Before I posted my O.P, I thought about mentioning that yes, I knew that I had a nice fence before someone else did. It has been mentioned once before when I posted a photo of it in the background. It is a product called Colorbond, my raised beds are made out of it too, with one more on the way to replace the Rocotos. Here's an old pic.

Yes, my shed (top right) is made from it also.
Yes, we're bff's or "mates" for sure, and I'm not going anywhere anytime soon. 
My neighbors roof tiles are cement tiles, clay or terracotta cost a small fortune to install. 
Thegreenchilemonster said:
What beautiful Rocoto plants! It must have been tough to cut them down after enjoying their fruit for four years.
You bet it was hard, they were always good for a fresh pod or two no matter what time of year. I hadn't even fed them or barely even watered them this season knowing that they were going, but they were still growing like crazy and had heaps of flowers and (mostly green) pods.

smokemaster said:
Need seeds for a few Rocoto or Manzano ?
Sasbe seeds.
I have several varieties and a TON of Market pods/seeds that are unknows or?
Pubes are my favorite,especially smoke dried to be used for a coarse powder.
PM me.
I MIGHT be able to actually send a plant to you.Maybe,no promises...
At your postage expense.
I've seen stuff People thought was dead/Pubes.
That looked DEAD,but the roots kicked out a plant in Spring, Though they were under snow all winter-IN a POT no less.
PM me about seeds-Peru and S. American stuff mostly.
Land Race,Market pods from the place of origin.
See Hombre's pics of what he grew from My seeds.
Lots of un named Land Race stuff. 
See Vallerta or Dino Pods.
I'd love a few more Pube varieties, especially seeing as I know how well they grow here. I've done a Rocoto powder and loved it. It almost has a smokey flavor without the smoke.
Many of my sauces have Rocotos in them, in fact, my last batch "Rocoto-Loco" only used Rocotos and not much else.

I'm sure we could do a seed for seed or seed for sauce trade if this suits you. live plants aren't necessary though, seeds are fine. I'll PM you and we can discuss the details. 
Needle99 said:
RIP - Rocotos.....
Great looking plants you had there.
:dance: for more peppers (veges)
Them surviving the hot days there gives me some hope of getting them to grow up here in the future....
These guys were monsters, they are very robust and had seen many 40+ deg C days. They need plenty of room, they'll grow faster than you can prune them. Lol.
These were the three plants that make up most of what's in my O.P.

The one my finger is on was only one plant, they all were single plants, but all branched out from the base.
The two uprooted Rocotos that I potted have perked up, so signs are good so far. Also rescued were a Red Ball, two Cayenne Hybrids, a volunteer, and some strawberry plants. 
holy hell... those are some nice raised beds.
what are they called and intended to be used for?
the closest comparable thing we have around here would be corrugated steel form work. its for casting footings and columns...kinda like a sonotube, but you leave it on.
Thanks mate, they are the same as any corrugated steel product, but painted on both sides, then rolled at either end. I had them custom made at 3m long x 1.2m wide x 0.8m high.
Colorbond steel products cover everything from gutters, water tanks, sheds, fences, house roofs to raised beds just to name a few products.
Best thing about the raised beds is you just put them in place and fill 'em up, no construction necessary. I added 300mm/1ft drainage gravel, then the garden soil.
It's a shame you don't have anything similar, they are a great "maintenance free" product.
Very impressive specimens you grew.
I'm confident you will have just as good ones this year to replace the lost ones.
Very nice beds you got there as well.
Great job!