sales Farmers Market And Online Sales

Hello Everyone!

Currently I am doing research into the business startup process and was curious as to the what is the most preferred website builder to use for online sales as well as what everyone uses for transactions in person at farmers markets. I have website building experience with WordPress, Wix and GoDaddy but none in regards to a retail shop. I have been seeing mostly adds regarding Square and Shopify and can see the benefit of using Square as you can easily use that at the farmers markets. Any opinions and insights would be greatly appreciated!
Welcome to THP!

I have used Square at festivals several years ago, it seemed to work good. There have probably been upgrades since then . When i was selling Pure Evil on Scamazon, it linked to Paypal.

FWIW regarding a website and online sales, I have been selling sauces and salsa locally for 20+ years. Had a website for the sauces for probably 10 years and sold very little thru the website. Most hot sauce sales are local to customers who tried the sauces at the FM. Several sales are to people who have received Texas Creek sauces in some holiday gift exchanges or similar. I have also done a big sale around Superbowl time which is a very good deal and makes it safe bet for the price for people to try Texas Creek sauces for the first time.

It's a bit of a hard sell to get folks to pop $7 per bottle, plus shipping for a sauce they havent tasted.

If you have the time to do FM, you will make more money in your pocket selling direct at the fm. Down side is this...

First season at my local fm, i was selling out of fresh salsa each saturday, cash... (nudge nudge wink wink). Took the winter off, and next season sales were great! Returning customers every week. They also talked about wanting to buy over the winter, so I got into the local grocery store Hank's Market.

Next season at the FM, samples all set up, customers coming to the table and eating samples...
"I LOVE this salsa! I just bought some at Hank's!" Aaand exit stage left... Actual sales made at the market were horrible. By this time, my son was coming with me to sell lemonade at $1 a glass. Every week he made more money selling lavender lemonade at $1 than I did selling $4 salsa.

Sorry for a bit of rambling, hopefully some comments will help.

Good Luck and Have Fun!

PS- having attended a few large hot sauce festivals, i have been able to taste a Lot of sauces, and over the years, have repeatedly purchased quite a few sauces that we enjoy from other independant sauce makers. And also re-purchased quite a few we have received in gift exchanges.
I can understand the issues with online vs FM. My brother is in the military and I gave him a few gallons worth of bottles to give out for his coworkers to try and get some feedback. The issue is they want to buy and I can't sell to them yet. Also, they won't be at the farmers market lol so online will have to be the way to go to reach them.
That is exactly what i am talking about! They tasted your sauce and want to buy it! Just be smart and dont take money or sell on facebook etc until licensed, insured, tested and approved. Sounds like you have the time and expertise to launch and maintain a website for the sauces. I did not have the time, interest, or expertise for that and at a point it wasnt worth the $$$ for a hosting service.

I just recently got contacted by a former military person who had gotten some sauces thru AnySoldier probably 10 years ago, looking for some GhostFire hot sauce. I take that as a huge compliment that they remembered the sauce and sought it out. They got hooked up good. :cool:
In case you missed this-