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Farmer's market haul—what'd I get?

Being a newbie and having never had a fresh superhot (only dried/smoked ghosts from TJ), I jumped at the pack of fresh peppers simply labeled "superhots" at the farmer's market.

Any idea what I got?

Thanks, y'all!
All appear to be chinense and maybe a bacatuum or two. Many are immature. Still, if you were looking for some heat, they should be able to accommodate while lacking their best effort and lots of taste.
There are a few that could be ghost but because of the maturity or lack of in most of the pods I find if difficult to ID with any certainty.
You could get a SFRB from a member here for just a little bit more and have no question as to what you are getting and all the quality you could hope for to bhut.
You could get a SFRB from a member here for just a little bit more and have no question as to what you are getting and all the quality you could hope for to bhut.

While you're not wrong, this was an impulse buy in the local market. And I don't know where to start asking here haha.
How hot was the one you ate?

It was definitely hotter than a hab, but I have no point of reference to compare it to. My mouth was definitely throbbing as I ate it, haha.