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Farmer's Market Jalapeno Blossom Drop?

My Farmer's Market Jalapeno has been flowering for about three weeks now and despite having a few healthy peppers, it has been steadily dropping about six flowers every day for the past two weeks. It looks extremely healthy and is thriving since transplanting from its five gallon bucket (drainage/nutrient lock issues) to its new seven gallon fabric pot.
Is it normal to be dropping this many blossoms? I've attached a short history of this plant.
August 14, 2017 (Calcium deficiency symptoms begin. CaliMagic won't begin to help until after nutrient flush)

August 20, 2017 (Nutrient flush)

August 22, 2017 (Recovering from flush)

August 25, 2017 (Finally - new growth!)

August 26, 2017 (Two days before transplant to fabric pot - calcium deficiency very noticeable. CaliMagic dose doubled to 50ml/gal)

September 16, 2017 (Clacium deficiency gone, but blossom drop symptoms peak)
Chewi said:
No idea really about the drop but wanted to say what a nice set up you have there. Sweet!
Wow really? Thanks, I really appreciate that! I'm in a small room so making due with this 4x4x7 tent can be a little restrictive!