food Fatalli Chicken Wellington

Should av tried it in the CITD

1- just make a simple pastry dough- look up a calzone recipe and go with your flow.
2- Mix up scallions, leeks, onion, smash(real ones would be better), black & white pepper, parmigiana, chicken stock cube, tbspn butter, garlic powder,and whatever else you want in it. I used Dilly Chilli's Fattali rust. Mix with a little milk heat up, cool , then add 1/2 an egg just before assembly.
3-Score the chicken breast and beat hello into them- make sure dry- add some fattali- of some fresh chilli shavings into cracks in chicken

########### chicken liver's piri piri pate would be good bonus here, if you could fill in the cracks with that- i didn't have any .################

4-Roll dough out to thin pastry consistency.
5- place breasts onto dough (not yours)
6- add potato- scallion mix
7- then cheddar sprinkles
8- then mozzarella slices x 2
9- you could add some onion relish or jam here.
10- Fold the thing anyway you want- hell, you could pig shape if you want.
11- Bake for 20 at 180c then paint with egg for shine
12- put back for 10 mins and turn off oven- let sit in oven to ensure cooking and crispy- softness- if ya know what's i meanz like!