food Father's Day Feast

The Menu:
Grill-Roasted Spatchcocked Whole Chickens cooked over charcoal with hickory chips for smoke
Alabama white barbeque sauce
Twice-cooked New Potatoes ("Smooshed Potatoes" my wife calls them)
Fresh Corn on the Cob
Homemade Rhubarb Pie with Homemade Crust
Four Homemade Hot Sauces!

If you've never had roasted chicken on the grill with Alabama White Barbeque Sauce, you haven't yet lived. I like "regular" bbq sauce too, but white bbq sauce is something of its own.


"Smooshed" potatoes:


Fresh corn on the cob:


My wife's Rhubarb Pie:

But what's a feast without Hot Sauce?

I spent an hour or so in the kitchen with my two daughters whipping up a batch or three of sauce with some peppers we'd bought earlier in the day at a local market. We bought some Fresno's (my new favorite sauce base) Habaneros and some Serranos.

Here's the feast with the sauces:

Here it is with the homemade sauces that I made with my daughters. I had two sauces represented, they each made one.


The girls made labels. That's my "Nazi-Face Melter" on the left, followed to the right by "Sour Hot Sauce", "Brain Rain" and "Happy Hot Sauce" and my unlabelled Habanero-Serrano-Cilantro-Lime sauce.

My littlest wanted to make a really sour hot sauce, so we made one:

"Sour Hot Sauce"
4 Fresno Peppers
Juice of three lemons

In case you can't tell, on the label that's a hot pepper holding hands with a lemon. They're friends in sauce.


My oldest wanted to make a sauce that was hotter and had fresh herbs in it. She called it "Brain Rain"

"Brain Rain"
3 Fresno Peppers
1 Serrano Pepper
Juice of half a lemon
Juice of half a lime
1/4 cup white vinegar
1/2 tsp fresh basil leaves
1/2 tsp fresh cilantro leaves
1/2 tsp fresh parsley


And here's my concoction of the day,

Habanero-Serrano-Cilantro Sauce

7 Orange Habanero Peppers
4 Serrano Peppers
Juice of half a lemon
Juice of 1 1/2 limes
1 tbs fresh Cilantro
3/4 cup white vinegar
Freshly ground Black Pepper


Here's the lineup:


The Happy Hot Sauce was from last week when I did Fresnos, vinegar and salt. It was my first sauce, and wasn't very hot hence the "Happy" part.
Magnificent spread! Love the smooshed spuds, and your chix look fantastic. What's in the white que? I've heard lots go heavy on vinegar and the mayo, and others use lemon and mayo. What say you sir? Love the labels on the hot sauce too! You earned the Hot Blue and Righteous rating amigo. We have to get you in on our throwdowns!

Cheers, TB.
Food looks bloody wonderful mate, and the sauces are pretty cool as well.

I keep cra*ing myself everytime one of you guys talk about father's day cause I think I missed it but our father's day isn't till September.....
texas blues said:
Magnificent spread! Love the smooshed spuds, and your chix look fantastic. What's in the white que? I've heard lots go heavy on vinegar and the mayo, and others use lemon and mayo. What say you sir? Love the labels on the hot sauce too! You earned the Hot Blue and Righteous rating amigo. We have to get you in on our throwdowns!
Cheers, TB.

Thanks TB!

It's a vinegar and mayo one. I've never tried it with lemon juice, but that could be interesting. We have a huge lemon tree I could plunder.

I haven't ever made a pepper popper so a throwdown might be fun. I'll keep my eyes peeled.
moyboy said:
Food looks bloody wonderful mate, and the sauces are pretty cool as well.

I keep cra*ing myself everytime one of you guys talk about father's day cause I think I missed it but our father's day isn't till September.....

When I lived in NZ I got father's day twice. I'm going to try to keep the September one alive this year, though I doubt it's going to fly with the OH.

The kids have embraced hot sauce during this time of obsession for me, and it's fun to play with them in the kitchen... they're very enthusiastic, though shy away from actually EATING any. :-)
Looks pretty good to me! Love the "Nazi Face Melter" label. Nice pic and reference to 'zat leetle Nazi puke' from Raiders of the Lost Arc :lol:
Blister said:
Looks pretty good to me! Love the "Nazi Face Melter" label. Nice pic and reference to 'zat leetle Nazi puke' from Raiders of the Lost Arc :lol:


And cheers for getting the reference and not being offended by the use of the word "nazi."

You can see the whole label here:

I'm doing one today called Kali Ma from the second Raiders movie. It's an Orange Habanero sauce with a carrot base this time. I made three bottles last night on my "Wednesday Night Sauce Up" and will be making fun/silly labels today at work so I can give the bottles away.
smariotti said:
And cheers for getting the reference and not being offended by the use of the word "nazi."

Who wouldn't want to melt some nazi faces? Slowly.

Sounds like you had a great fathers day. Good food and a good time with the girls.
smariotti said:

And cheers for getting the reference and not being offended by the use of the word "nazi."

You can see the whole label here:

I'm doing one today called Kali Ma from the second Raiders movie. It's an Orange Habanero sauce with a carrot base this time. I made three bottles last night on my "Wednesday Night Sauce Up" and will be making fun/silly labels today at work so I can give the bottles away.

I think it's hilarious! :lol: I love the Indiana Jones movies. I'm an anthropologist with a heavy background in archaeology. Even though Indie isn't much of an archaeologist, that's what people associate with the profession. :shocked:

kali ma! kaLI MA! KALI MA!

Although Calima (similar sounding, but different spelling) is also found in The Planet of the Apes. It was the apes Holy City that derived it's name from the sand covered sign that originally read "Caution Live Animals"

Would you mind sharing the recipe for your Nazi Face Melter sauce? I have a friend that loves the Indiana movies as much as I do. I think it would be a great gift.
Blister said:
I think it's hilarious! :lol: I love the Indiana Jones movies. I'm an anthropologist with a heavy background in archaeology. Even though Indie isn't much of an archaeologist, that's what people associate with the profession. :shocked:
kali ma! kaLI MA! KALI MA!

Here's the label I ended up using for Kali Ma:


Blister said:
Would you mind sharing the recipe for your Nazi Face Melter sauce? I have a friend that loves the Indiana movies as much as I do. I think it would be a great gift.

Sure thing. I'm no sauce expert. I'm about as newbie as newbie can be, but I think this recipe is the best tasting sauce I've made thus far. My co-workers and I killed a whole bottle at an Indian restaurant in one lunch.

Here's the recipe:

If you end up making the Face Melter, let me know and I'll send you the full-size label jpg suitable for printing out.
smariotti said:
Here's the label I ended up using for Kali Ma:


Sure thing. I'm no sauce expert. I'm about as newbie as newbie can be, but I think this recipe is the best tasting sauce I've made thus far. My co-workers and I killed a whole bottle at an Indian restaurant in one lunch.

Here's the recipe:

If you end up making the Face Melter, let me know and I'll send you the full-size label jpg suitable for printing out.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I love the Label! And thanks for sharing the recipe. I've never made a sauce before and really want to try my hand at it. Plus I just can't get enough of cooking hot peppers and burning the hell out of my eyes and nose because I don't have a vent above the stove. I just need to pick up a few more habs and jalapeno's and I'm on my way!
Blister said:
I just need to pick up a few more habs and jalapeno's and I'm on my way!

I was corrected by Texas Blues after I wrote that up, those aren't Red Jalapenos, they're Fresno's, but I think either will work well. Make sure they're red-ripe-red though, as they're the base for the sauce. The Habaneros bring the heat.

Good luck with it, I hope it turns out well for you. PM me for the full size label if you want it and I'll send it over.
I can get fresno's, but they aren't red. Does anyone know if there is a way to ripen them up? Like putting a ripened banana with them?
An apple works best, it emits more ethylene than anything but the cherimoya I think. Paper bag + apple + peppers. I did that recently with some thai bird peppers and got them from all green to some-are-yellowish-orange in the space of about three days.

If you can get Red Jalapenos those'd be your best bet I think.
It's hard to find anything that's even remotely ripe here. I can find some that are slightly yellowing/orange at best. I'll give the apple and paper bag a shot and see how that goes.