contest February Throwdown

Lets go Lets go Lets go!!!!!!

It's cold (just not here).

Whenever it gets cold, I only think of one thing...


Meatloaf shaped like Dwight Eisnehower. Recreate the pompeii disaster with nachos and molten cheese. Carrot Cake shaped like Carrot Top.

Just gettin the ball rolling.

RAMEN!!!!!! (Shaped like RAMEN!!!!!!)
Some restaurant in Tucson is having African Lion Tacos.

Perhaps we can do some sort of exotic animal in a regular dish in similar fashion i.e. spaghetti and alligator meat sauce. Or We pick a regular dish and have a choice of several exotic meats readily available.
Meat Manger
Whenever it gets cold, I only think of one thing...

Now now, FD, the german venus didn't even get one measly little vote..... how can you be serious about such a thing? Besides, I'm the only one experienced enough to win at this particular item..... :cool:
Would an odd shaped bowl filled with hot sauce, a bread island and some little toy boats floating around be a sculpture??? With the boat on fire???
we're getting a late start for this discussion, only one week to haggle.

I'm afraid the temptation to sculpt with sausage would have to be posted in Off-Topics :eek: .... gotta keep it family-friendly~~~
I'm pushin' for braised/roasted meat. Meat loaf, seven bone roast, chuck, pork loin, etc. I mysef' am at a disadvantage as mrs. blues just packed up the kitchen tools and wombats for the move to Tejas. DOH!
i will be leaving my nice kitchen and moving to one with the counter space equivalent of my computer desk, and an ELECTRIC STOVE TOP!!!!!!!!!

its gonna suck, bad

guess im going to Pi's house to cook my throwdown
Drawing inspiration from JayT's pyramid and SL's smoking thread - how about a pyramid of smoked/BBQ meat? The meat could be anything you wish, but the presentation has to be in a pyramid, like a pyramid of smoked wings.
I found a good price on a fondue fountain. No hot sauce waterfall over a pile of wings...
One day I will get into the throwdown.

I love watching them for now until one come along that grabs ahold of me.
So suggest something already...... I dare you!
Ok, february normally involves the first ( and hardiest ) seedlings of the year ... garlic/onion/peas/beans/cabbage ( note all these require "bugger all heat" ... unlike my chillis under growlamps :P )... tad late to sow them for a february throwdown though :P. At the same time you also have the "result" of last years stuff ( PSB, sprouts, kale that got started 9+ months ago ;) ), none of which will be ready for ages ... really is bleak period of the year ;)

February throwdown should be about ingredients that are seasonal. Can buy perurvian asparagus here, all year round ... makes me wonder why I bothered to grow 40 plants from seed ( culled from 70 ) ... ohh, I remember, because it taste f'n awesome at the right time of year :D ( nothing against our peruvian members, but yer asparagus is crap compared to ours :D )

"seasonal food" would win my vote ;)

Desserts could be good and fun - I like it.
Carnita'd anything would be amazingly tasty.
Braising/roasting if it would means TB will join in... yes.
Seasonal/what-do-you-eat-when-it's-cold-outside would be good (and could be surprising, since amazingly I only really like ice cream in the dead of winter.)
And tacos are calling to me right about now.... mmmmm, fish tacos..... WAIT! Mmmmm.... carnita tacos....... WAIT!....... Mmmmm.... fajita tacos...... WAIT! Dessert tacos......
Doesn't matter - until I figure out how to get better food pics with my camera, ain't worth it. Besides, I still don't remember how to cook.... ;)
ain't nuthin "fresh" around here in the dead of winter buried under 3 feet of snow unless you consider potatoes and root vegetables (rutabaga, turnip, carrot and parsnip) out of the root cellar "FRESH".

desserts could be fun...since the "sweetest day of the year" is right around the corner~~~

I was looking at a cheesecake at WallyWorld today and wondering how I could make one with chiles in it. :rofl: SERIOUSLY!

tacos are always good, and does TB even have any cookware left? I wonder if he could do microwave carnitas.