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rebuilding my old wall mounted fertigation rig.


it will be far more compact and some what portable.

i basically folded the concept into a smaller foot print. i also added provisions to include EC PH and chlorine injection. some top up batching and maby a nice safety interlock module if i can find one cheap enough.

im just going to vomit out a bunch of pictures. ill update this thing when i make progress.

ill answer any and all questions, but this is not everyones cup of tea.

irrigation pump assembly. shurflo "smart sensor" 5.7gpm.

fooling around with a sensor assembly.

shit hole of scattered pvc. this is what usually happens when im working on something.

still laying out the sensor and injection piping.

the KEY to all pvc that is going to be visible. NOT the purble shit. you want clear cleaner.

pvc solvent welding like a fucking pro.

shit pile still growing.

old drawing i found from way back. it wont be much different from this.

cartrige filter i got way back on ebay. was like 40 bucks. pretty good deal imo.

must have been a cheap version of what ever this filter was indented for... the drain is not even drilled out? i have a tap set so its no big deal, but annoying none the less.

lol pressure gauge not drilled and tapped either.

tack welded the channel strut. this gives me alot more rigidity and its ALOT cheaper than those fucking tee shaped bars. when i finalize everything ill go back and lay a real weld over these joints.

this stuff welds beautifully btw. yes there is huge discoloration, but thats something to do with the fucking... passivation coating they put on this stuff. i think they are parkerized or somethign like that? have you ever seen an old sharps rifle? its like that clear uneven golden color. i can weld through it pretty effortlessly.

this is the injection manifold. this is where the fertilizer parts A&B will be injected. HCl and chlorine or what ever else will be injected in the center, a & b on the sides.

getting closer to a final arrangement.

shit pile growing still.

this is the tomato and melon trellis the fertigation unit will service.
