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Fert issues

I've been using Cal-Mag plus along with another generic vegetable fert on my seedlings, but I've noticed the leaves continue to pucker and get progressively worse so they haven't been uptaking their nutrients. I fertilize in the morning before I leave for work (first mistake, I'm usually half asleep), but today I noticed when I added the ferts into the water an insoluble precipitate started forming... I tested this on the fert and Cal-Mag combination and sure enough, nice big globby crystals that wouldn't dissolve under normal water temperatures.

Obviously problematic. I still have some Fish ferts in my shed, but it has dipped below freezing several times. So, first question, will this affect the shelf life? And secondly, is it even appropriate to use fish fertilizer indoors on potted plants? I thought the nutrients had to be broken down a bit through microbial action to be made available.

Failing that, any recommendations for alternatives?
Do you have any additional information on the generic vegetable fertiliser?

I found mention of Botanicare Cal-Mag plus ingredients as Calcium Nitrate, Magnesium Nitrate and Iron EDTA.

My hunch given the symptoms is the Calcium Nitrate is reacting with one of the compounds in the generic fertiliser and producing an insoluble Calcium compound.
Whenever the plants look like they need it... usually no more often than every 2 weeks or so. I err on the side of a little malnourishment. Could just be my dosage rate too, I suppose.

Just realized why I had this problem, I was using another one of the Botanicare ferts (Pro Grow I think) until I ran out about a month ago. Answered my second question, guess I'll put in an order for more of the stuff...

As for what I'm using currently, it's Schultz Liquid plant food... 10-15-10 liquid concentrate, 7 drops per quart of water. I haven't really used it on my peppers before, at least not in conjunction with the Cal-Mag, but it works fine on my other houseplants. Ingredients listed: Urea, Ammonium Phosphate, Potassium Phosphate, Potassium Nitrate, Iron EDTA, Manganese EDTA, Zinc EDTA. It's too early for chemistry or I'd just figure out the issue myself.
The solution is to apply fertilisers that have components that react with each other separately.

Does the generic fertiliser list any Sulphate compounds?
Easy enough.

Not that I see... reading around the hydro forums, the culprit is probably calcium phosphate coming out of solution.

(I usually throw the ferts together before adding the water, which is another problem)
Judging by the solubility of Calcium phosphate from a table of solubility I'd say you're on the money.

When I say apply the fertilisers separately I mean on different days.

I've settled on what seems to be a more or less complete fertiliser. I sometimes apply Calcium and Magnesium Nitrate via foliar feeding to avoid mixing them with the regular fertiliser.
You'd think as a science student I'd be more mindful of this sort of thing, but alas... mentioned my stupidity to a coworker and he said, "Don't worry, we forgive you, you're not a chemist."

I'll need to think about how to proceed. I guess I could try foliar for a while, or otherwise alternate ferts. I'll just make sure to mix in some slow-release ferts when I pot up so I don't need to worry about it.
Sounds like your over fertilizing which is causing a look out. When you overfertilize it looks the same as underfertilizeing, the plant getts yellow then the grower thinks it needs more food then they die. Do not fertilize anymore and do some flushes. If plants are inside chance is they do not need fertilizer or much anyway. If temps are hot and plants are growing then they need fertilizer. I never used Cal/Mag but the pure blend pro grow has Ca/Mg so I do not really worry. As good as botnicare is, they set up these nutrient lines to waste your money. If I wanted to give the plant the micro it needs with botnicare I would have to buy the whole line. Dyna gro has it all in one fertilizer, no need for Ca Mg sulfur ect..... The issue with Dyna gro is that is 100% synthetic and derived from ammoniacal and other harsh chemicals. That is why I use Botanicare.