Ferterlizer Suggestions

I recently bought a drip system for the new garden, and I decided to splurge a little and get a ferterlizer injector to go with it.
I am terrible when it comes to picking out ferterlizers.  In the past I have only used MaxiCrop and Fish Ferterlizer.  I was wondering if anyone had any reccomendations for a good all around ferterlizer to put in this thing. This will be watering all vegetables in the garden. Should I start out with one type and then switch to another type later in the season?? It shows its good for liquid or dry ferts
I only use liquid so no idea on the granular stuff but, I would suggest 2 things
Micro nutrient rich general fertilizer: dynagrow pro foliage, oceansolution
Calcium supplement: calmag, magical, dolomite lime
I'm not sure if it's appropriate for a drip set up, but I've used this with tremendous success for all vegetables: http://www.groworganic.com/tomato-and-vegetable-food-4-5-3-4-lb-box.html
Box Label:
Total Nitrogen (N).......................... 4.00% 
 4.00% Water Insoluble Organic Nitrogen
Available Phosphate (P2O5).............. 5.00%
Soluble Potash (K2O).......................... 3.00%
Calcium (Ca)....................................... 3.00%
Sulfur (S)............................................. 1.00%
Derived from:
Blood Meal, 
Feather Meal,
Bone Meal,
Dried Chicken Manure,
Bat Guano, 
Alfalfa Meal,
Kelp Meal and 
Potassium Sulfate.
1.3% Humic Acids (derived from Leonardite)
Bacteria: 1,497,792 CFU's per gram
Containing 224,669 CFU's per gram of each of 
the following six species:
Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus licheniformis, 
Paenibacillus polymyxa, Bacillus 
azotoformans, Paenibacillus durum, Bacillus 
pumulis and 74,889 CFU's per gram of each 
of the following two species: Streptomyces 
lydicus, Trichoderma harzianum
Endo Mycorrhizae (VAM) 
1.14 viable organisms per gram
Three Species: (1.14 propagules/gram)
Glomus intraradices (0.38 propagules/gram)
Glomus mosseae (0.38 propagules/gram)
Glomus aggregatum (0.38 propagules/gram)
you literally have to use a synthetic fertilizer with those if you want to achieve an appreciable fertilizer load. they simply are not able to dose like the PD units you see for hundreds of dollars.
Also keep in mind you must have a min specified flow rate to achieve any fertilizer injection at all.
i had one of these things... on like 8 plants, i could not measure any rise in EC what so ever.  I would get some maxigrow, or something that is 100% water soluble.  you might even consider just loading this thing with calcinit, calcium nitrate, and top dressing your plants with the micros ( micro max osmocote) & phosphate potassium etc.
i bought that exact thing you have here, and i hated it. i really hope you do better with than i did. that thing was my very first foray into growing, and it was a miserable one.