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fertilizer Fertilizer and Super Hots

Should I fertilize my super hots any differently than I do my other peppers? I will be planting them within the next five to ten days and I usually like to soak the root ball with miracle grow while planting them. I have read that Bhut's are sensitive to ferts and was curious if this would hurt them. I also side dress with 10-10-10 twice a season. I have never had my soil tested but these methods have always worked great for me(except in heavy clay). So would it be safe to treat them as I do all my other varieties?
if you are accustomed doing what you did with no problems...... then i would advise you continue to do so...... i only grew bhuts for the first time last year and i usually go for miracle gro foliar fert (10-15-10) after about 4 - 6 true leaves appear. I continue the application weekly. But i initially start them off with 1/4 to 1/2 the recommended strength and then after about 6 weeks they get the full concentration (very important to never cross that recommended concentration). My bhuts were the tallest of all the pepper plants i grew last year and they were fertilized in the same way the rest of the peppers were. The bhuts produced about 2 - 3 weeks after the rest of my other peppers produced (which were congos). Also important to watch for leaf curl..... add small amounts of calcium and magnesium in whichever form u like .....

another point to note is that miracle gro 10-15-10 foliar fert doesn't have magnesium, calcium and sulphur....... epsom salt is basically magnesium sulphate.... which takes care of two nutrients with one application.... and u can always use bone meal, egg shells etc for the calcium. I have calcium nitrate available in most agri shops in trinidad and I only now started adding a small amount to the miracle gro when i apply fert.