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Ferts and Such

I have had discussions with a few of you about ferts. This past week I realized my plants were calcium deficient and soI picked up some Calmag and Maxicrop sea wood and watered them and BOOM the next morning they were new plants! I couldn't believe it such a quick and drastic change. I am about to start a fairly big grow at least for me. I am interested in what you guys keep on hand for Ferts and the like and how and when you use them. I like Greg's set up but am interested in hearing from others. I currently have the following in my arsenal

Alaska Fish 5-1-1- (N)
Peters 20-20-20 - all purpose (NPK)
Vita Start transplanting B12 and root hormone
Calmag - Cal., Mag., Iron
Earth Juice Microblast - Micro nutes
Maxicrop Seawood - Minerals and (K)
Epson Salt - Mag

I also have bone meal and Dr Earths all purpose organic fert. I want to do away with the Peters and find a better all purpose NPK looking for suggestions and also want to get some Oyster Shell to work into the soil of my pots to
try and head off some of these Cal deficiencies, and some Super Thrive. Is there anything else you guys suggest?
How about some bone meal for the calcium?
The only one I use is AK fish Fertilizer 5-1-1,
along with their Mor-Bloom 0-10-10. In the 3:1
mix they recommend, it becomes a 15-13-13
combination. The chart I got with a gallon a long
time ago said fish oil only for the first month or two,
then the combo mix every 2-4 weeks for vegetable plants.
I guess that includes peppers.
Sometimes we overdo things......
Lol yes that we do. I just like to be ready for anything that comes along. Gonna be growing many plants trying to get a uniform program in place including supply's .

How about some bone meal for the calcium?
The only one I use is AK fish Fertilizer 5-1-1,
along with their Mor-Bloom 0-10-10. In the 3:1
mix they recommend, it becomes a 15-13-13
combination. The chart I got with a gallon a long
time ago said fish oil only for the first month or two,
then the combo mix every 2-4 weeks for vegetable plants.
I guess that includes peppers.

Paul good point. I too have more bloom 0-10-10 but didn't consider it because I've been told that because pepper flowers are perfect both male and female and come on all through the growing cycle that they don't really benefit from a straight bloom fert but if you combine them then you have a natural all purpose. That's not a bad idea. I love the more bloom to it works quite well. I do have bone meal but its also a source of phosphorous (P) and that coupled with a all purpose fert could be too much. I was considering oyster shells to work into the pots to try and stem the trend of low Cal. ever used that?
I use Osmocote its a slow release fer. 14-14-14
Another and my favorite its Monterey Fish & Poop 9-6-2 this one you automatically see blooms and groth, its pretty strong, its recomended every 2 weeks really rcomend it, but beware the smell could knock you out.

Forgot to say I just got a Whole brand fertilozers of Xtreme Garden but yet have not tested them, it said to be the best of anything but doesn't show the N-P-K
Miracle gro all purpose for the start then miracle gro tomato food 18-18-21, all water soluble. Gypsum aswell for Ca and S.
  • Botanicare Pro Grow
  • Botanicare Pro Bloom
  • Botanicare CalMag
  • Botanicare Sweet
  • Neptune's Harvest Seaweed/Fish emulsion
  • Roots Organics Ancient Amber
  • Roots Organics Trinity
  • Foxfarm Bushdoctor (trying to finish off the bottle from last year)
  • Bat guano Mexican,Seabird guano, Bat guano Jamaican
  • Mycorrhizae (Great white or Oregonismxl)
Neptune's Harvest Crab Shells final transplant to 10 gallon containers replace CalMag
Once a week: Pro Grow (bloom flower stage)(both grow and bloom transition),CalMag, Sweet, Fish/Seaweed, Bushdoctor
Once every three weeks Tea: Worm castings, Mexican guano (Jamaican transition stage), Seabird guano, Ancient Amber, Trinity, Mycorrhizae, Fish/seaweed, Molasses
A little overboard but my plants love it
Paul good point. I too have more bloom 0-10-10 but didn't consider it because I've been told that because pepper flowers are perfect both male and female and come on all through the growing cycle that they don't really benefit from a straight bloom fert but if you combine them then you have a natural all purpose. That's not a bad idea. I love the more bloom to it works quite well. I do have bone meal but its also a source of phosphorous (P) and that coupled with a all purpose fert could be too much. I was considering oyster shells to work into the pots to try and stem the trend of low Cal. ever used that?

Haven't tried oyster shells, or bone meal for that matter. I'm going to this year
just because of the info I've seen on this forum. I know that somewhere I
read about putting several matches in the planting hole with the root ball in
order to provide Phosphorus? BTW the Alaska brochure recommends straight
mor-bloom for tomatoes during the flowering/fruiting stage - I didn't have much
success with that; the plants still seemed to want nitrogen.

Neptune's Harvest Crab Shells final transplant to 10 gallon containers replace CalMag
Once a week: Pro Grow (bloom flower stage)(both grow and bloom transition),CalMag, Sweet, Fish/Seaweed, Bushdoctor
Once every three weeks Tea: Worm castings, Mexican guano (Jamaican transition stage), Seabird guano, Ancient Amber, Trinity, Mycorrhizae, Fish/seaweed, Molasses
A little overboard but my plants love it

Hey, Fernando - that's one serious routine - you're
basically formulating your own fertilizer for your babies!
I use both bone and blood meal outdoors when preparing the raised beds. Also a small amount gets mixed with the compost for the containers. I don't use it indoors.

  • Botanicare Pro Grow
  • Botanicare Pro Bloom
  • Botanicare CalMag
  • Botanicare Sweet
  • Neptune's Harvest Seaweed/Fish emulsion
  • Roots Organics Ancient Amber
  • Roots Organics Trinity
  • Foxfarm Bushdoctor (trying to finish off the bottle from last year)
  • Bat guano Mexican,Seabird guano, Bat guano Jamaican
  • Mycorrhizae (Great white or Oregonismxl)
Neptune's Harvest Crab Shells final transplant to 10 gallon containers replace CalMag
Once a week: Pro Grow (bloom flower stage)(both grow and bloom transition),CalMag, Sweet, Fish/Seaweed, Bushdoctor
Once every three weeks Tea: Worm castings, Mexican guano (Jamaican transition stage), Seabird guano, Ancient Amber, Trinity, Mycorrhizae, Fish/seaweed, Molasses
A little overboard but my plants love it

Socialchilehead That's a pretty heavy schelude I'm still trying to get my head around it. Do you see any benefit from bloom? I was told there was none. Also what is sweet? On the crab shells is that for Cal, if so how does it work. Also do you use anything to raise and lower PH? Oh and how do you like the Pro Grow product?
Yea it a heavy schedule but I have Root Organics line it really screwed up my plants within the first week, so I had to go back to my security blanket which was the Botanicare line. The bloom product I used last year because it was my first year growing and read AJ thread http://www.thehotpep...__1#entry167997 about his line up which was the Botanica line, so I couldn't answer about the benfits all I know is the plants love it. Sweet is basically a carboload for the plants from what I know, so once you have the benficial bacteria around the soil it is like a feeding for them as well for the plant similar reason why you place Molasses in your tea a sweeter for the microbial if I am wrong please someone correct me because this information was what hydro shop worker told me it kinda made sense so I just ran with it. The crab shells is a slow release process, but from what I was told it should react within the first watering and the representative told me I could always use it as a foliar feed just in case. I do have GH ph up and down but since using this schedule it has always be perfect PH of 6.5 and the soil is at 6.5. I have only tried Botanicare and Root organics and by far Botanicare is the best the issue with Root organics is that the product Buddha grow and Buddha bloom is so thick that the recommended dosage was always too much and really got my plants sick so they got the boot except for the Ancient Amber & Trinity.
Hope this helps this only my second year growing so I am still trying to learning as much as I can.