• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Festering s grow log

I know it's a little late to start this year but it wasn't until the Royal Cornwall show in June that I got my first plant. A Royal black from the Wiltshire Chilli Farm stall.

Well yesterday I found myself looking around Trelawny garden centre looking forward inspiration for a 4th of anniversary present for the wife, forth being fruit and flowers.when I found a shelf full of very sickly looking chilli plants , all marked down to around 50p.

Well to cut a long story short I didn't find a present but I did pick up 15 plants. 

I got:
3 Ubatuba Cambuci
2 Trinidad Perfume
1 Peach Bhut Jolokia
1 Hot Thai Dragon
1 Big Jim
1 Habanero Magnum
2 Habanero Burkina Yellow
1 Demon Red
2 Habanero Paper Lanten
1 Scotch Bonnet Big Sun

Well after a good drink and a day in the sun they all seem to have recovered and unbelievably grown around a half an inch.

Almost all the plants have buds or flowers so I am looking forward, albeit with crossed fingers for pods in a little while.


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Thinking of repotting these at the weekend. They are all a bit pot bound so will need to do something soon.

Can anyone recommend a suitable plant food to include in the repotting or is it a little early in their recovery to be doing this?

Another thought was what size pot should I go to? Should I go for a large pot or should I increase little and often?

Cheers all.

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