food Feta Stuffed Cherry Bomb

Hi Guys,

i was tired of shelling my money to Coscto for feta stuff peppers so i made some myself...

First in this Stainless steel bowl there is desseeded cherry bomb pepper (will probably be swap for fresno or any thick wall and hot peppers...)
those has been put in water / vinegar and salt (stored in fridge)for the last week (this kill baddies, and make peppers softer but not slushy. would say half crisp half soft....

Bring on the cheese (feta type)

Tare it down in chunk:

Tare it down in very small pellet (with a fork):

Stuff your Hottie! (use fork and fingers.... be carefull if you stuff superhot use gloves....) :

Repeat the procedure.... Have a beer or a good drink near and good music :) :

Done for stuffing :) crack open another beer ;) :beer:

Put that in a container :

Fill with Vegeteble oil (cheap nearly no taste oil is ok... you dont want to taste the oil but the stuffed pepper! )

Put That in the fridge and enjoy anytime.
since the peppers has been in vinegar salt and water previously tehre is a good antibactérial treatment already done.
since this is too good... you will eat that in short time so keep that in the fridge to avoid spoilage and contamination.

Thanks for reading.

My next try will probably be with a big hot pepper in the habanero range
Wow. That looks amazing. Ever try charring it in a broiler/toaster/etc? Feta gets a really nice texture when heated. I've got a huge block of feta in the fridge, from Costco actually LOL, and a bunch of habaneros. I'm gonna have to try that now. Thanks.
Well afterward (once in oil) you can eat them raw, you can make them heat in the over or do watherver you want!

these cherry bomb are not too hot so it,s good for my girlfriend.... but i will make some later(next year when i will have peppers ;) ) for my own personal use if im lucky it will be filled scorp or some big thick wall very hot pepper :) this is very nice recipe.

just be aware that since the peppers dip for a long time in water it can take off some heat of the peppers. (but the water vinegar salt mix will come spicy (keep it for next batch of peppers ;) )
it would be even better if you stuffed them with feta cheese and finely chopped gyro meat

also hammer the "Big Bomb Cherry' would be an even better choice same heat as the cherry bomb but bigger, you can stuff more in them! :dance:

thanks your friend Joe
for some reason it never occured to me to use feta :P
I think I'd skip on the oil myself tho... can't stand things dripping in oil :s

I grew some big bombs this year and they can def get quite big! great stuffers, tho hardly any heat in the flesh :/
Looks awesome I love pickled cherry peppers and I love them stuffed with Prosciutto and Provolone or Tuna and Anchovy too
Vegetable oil in general is bad stuff. Olive oil on the other hand is very good stuff. Those peppers and feta steeped in olive oil and garlic would rock harder than chinese arithmetic.
Hammerfall nice work. I agree with TB that olive oil,garlic and touch of basil would ROCK in this recipe.
i was thinking olive oil too last night now that others mentioned it oh yeah olive oil all the way

thanks your friend joe
yep! i love the perfumed olive oil idea with garlic and maybe some fresh herbs!

Next batch it will rock even more :)

Thanks guys i love this community :)

YOU ALL ROCK !!!!! Lomg live to THP forum :)
Hammerfall,there is another recipe for cherry bomb stuffed with feta cheese with out any oil. If you're interested I could post it on your tread. You're right this community ROCK :)
Go Ela post it :)

i put them in oil se thay will stay well in the fridge for sometime...

if you plant to eat them right away you can cut out the oil step.
Sure Hammerfall, I would gladly post it. Hope this recipe would work for you as the first one. I grew up with mother who was a great cook and always made sure to preserve a lot of food for winter so I kind of picked up where she left over.

Here is a rough recipe for stuffed cherry bomb peppers. You would have to figure out how many peppers you plan to stuff.

Feta Cheese - reserve cheese liquid set aside

Farmers Cheese

Sour Cream


Mix well cheese and sour cream, make sure to have it more than you would need to stuff peppers. Stuff all peppers with cheese than in plastic container layer left over cheese mix--- stuffed peppers----cheese mix--- make sure that cheese mix is last layer on top. Cut up bamboo shish kebob skewer to fit top of the plastic container.Press them tightly on top of the last layer.

Bring reserved cheese liquid to boil. cool to room temperature than pour over the stuffed peppers. Press cheese/peppers. skewers with something heavy ,perhaps with bottle of water. Store in refrigerator for about a week for all flavors to set. Make sure that peppers would have enough liquid on top to stay moist. If you would need to use more liquid just boil whole milk, let cool in fridge and use it on peppers.

You could add a bit of grated horseradish to the cheese mix, some more hot peppers, black peppers etc. Over in my native country this has been very popular way of preserving peppers for winter. Enjoy
Hammerfall, awesome!

I was actually googling the Costco stuffed pepper recipe and I came to your post... I had to register.

Quick question, what is the ratio of vinegar,water and salt you use for the brine?
Hello, I am new to this site and new to growing peppers. I would love to try this recipee but need to know the brine ratio. My peppers are ready to pick today. I had success in one plant which produced 25 peppers! At least I think it was a success!
I have been experimenting with the following brine solution:

Brine 1
0.5 cup water
0.5 cup of Vinegar
1 tsp of salt

Brine 2
0.5 cup water
0.25 cup of Vinegar
1 tsp of salt

I soaked peppers in both brines for a week and took them out. The pepper from Brine 1 had a texture that was 0.5 soft inside, and the skin was still crisp. But it tasted too vinegary and harsh.

The pepper form the second brine was better tasting, but the texture was not like the Costco pepper. It was too crisp and "raw," the Costco pepper was much more softer. Costco pepper is not super soft, it still has a solid firmness to it, but it is not as crisp and raw as the peppers in my experimental brine. Still not sure how to get the texture right.